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Service Catalog

Install the Service Catalog extension API.

1 - Install Service Catalog using Helm

Service Catalog is an extension API that enables applications running in Kubernetes clusters to easily use external managed software offerings, such as a datastore service offered by a cloud provider.

It provides a way to list, provision, and bind with external Managed Services from Service Brokers without needing detailed knowledge about how those services are created or managed.

Use Helm to install Service Catalog on your Kubernetes cluster. Up to date information on this process can be found at the kubernetes-sigs/service-catalog repo.

Before you begin

  • Understand the key concepts of Service Catalog.
  • Service Catalog requires a Kubernetes cluster running version 1.7 or higher.
  • You must have a Kubernetes cluster with cluster DNS enabled.
    • If you are using a cloud-based Kubernetes cluster or Minikube, you may already have cluster DNS enabled.
    • If you are using hack/, ensure that the KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS environment variable is set, then run the install script.
  • Install and setup kubectl v1.7 or higher. Make sure it is configured to connect to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Install Helm v2.7.0 or newer.
    • Follow the Helm install instructions.
    • If you already have an appropriate version of Helm installed, execute helm init to install Tiller, the server-side component of Helm.

Add the service-catalog Helm repository

Once Helm is installed, add the service-catalog Helm repository to your local machine by executing the following command:

helm repo add svc-cat

Check to make sure that it installed successfully by executing the following command:

helm search repo service-catalog

If the installation was successful, the command should output the following:

NAME                	CHART VERSION	APP VERSION	DESCRIPTION                                                 
svc-cat/catalog     	0.2.1        	           	service-catalog API server and controller-manager helm chart
svc-cat/catalog-v0.2	0.2.2        	           	service-catalog API server and controller-manager helm chart

Enable RBAC

Your Kubernetes cluster must have RBAC enabled, which requires your Tiller Pod(s) to have cluster-admin access.

When using Minikube v0.25 or older, you must run Minikube with RBAC explicitly enabled:

minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.Authorization.Mode=RBAC

When using Minikube v0.26+, run:

minikube start

With Minikube v0.26+, do not specify --extra-config. The flag has since been changed to --extra-config=apiserver.authorization-mode and Minikube now uses RBAC by default. Specifying the older flag may cause the start command to hang.

If you are using hack/, set the AUTHORIZATION_MODE environment variable with the following values:


By default, helm init installs the Tiller Pod into the kube-system namespace, with Tiller configured to use the default service account.

Configure Tiller to have cluster-admin access:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-admin \
    --clusterrole=cluster-admin \

Install Service Catalog in your Kubernetes cluster

Install Service Catalog from the root of the Helm repository using the following command:

helm install catalog svc-cat/catalog --namespace catalog

helm install svc-cat/catalog --name catalog --namespace catalog

What's next

2 - Install Service Catalog using SC

Service Catalog is an extension API that enables applications running in Kubernetes clusters to easily use external managed software offerings, such as a datastore service offered by a cloud provider.

It provides a way to list, provision, and bind with external Managed Services from Service Brokers without needing detailed knowledge about how those services are created or managed.

You can use the GCP Service Catalog Installer tool to easily install or uninstall Service Catalog on your Kubernetes cluster, linking it to Google Cloud projects.

Service Catalog can work with any kind of managed service, not only Google Cloud.

Before you begin

  • Understand the key concepts of Service Catalog.

  • Install Go 1.6+ and set the GOPATH.

  • Install the cfssl tool needed for generating SSL artifacts.

  • Service Catalog requires Kubernetes version 1.7+.

  • Install and setup kubectl so that it is configured to connect to a Kubernetes v1.7+ cluster.

  • The kubectl user must be bound to the cluster-admin role for it to install Service Catalog. To ensure that this is true, run the following command:

      kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=<user-name>

Install sc in your local environment

The installer runs on your local computer as a CLI tool named sc.

Install using go get:

go get

sc should now be installed in your GOPATH/bin directory.

Install Service Catalog in your Kubernetes cluster

First, verify that all dependencies have been installed. Run:

sc check

If the check is successful, it should return:

Dependency check passed. You are good to go.

Next, run the install command and specify the storageclass that you want to use for the backup:

sc install --etcd-backup-storageclass "standard"

Uninstall Service Catalog

If you would like to uninstall Service Catalog from your Kubernetes cluster using the sc tool, run:

sc uninstall

What's next