Manage and publish the documentation parts of the Kubernetes release cycle
Getting started
Anyone can open an issue about documentation, or contribute a change with a
pull request (PR) to the
kubernetes/website GitHub repository.
You need to be comfortable with
git and
to work effectively in the Kubernetes community.
flowchart TB
subgraph third[Open PR]
direction TB
U[ ] -.-
Q[Improve content] --- N[Create content]
N --- O[Translate docs]
O --- P[Manage/publish docs parts of K8s release cycle]
subgraph second[Review]
direction TB
T[ ] -.-
D[Look over the K8s/website repository] --- E[Check out the Hugo static site generator]
E --- F[Understand basic GitHub commands]
F --- G[Review open PR and change review processes]
subgraph first[Sign up]
direction TB
S[ ] -.-
B[Sign the CNCF Contributor License Agreement] --- C[Join sig-docs Slack channel]
C --- V[Join kubernetes-sig-docs mailing list]
V --- M[Attend weekly sig-docs calls or slack meetings]
A([fa:fa-user New Contributor]) --> first
A --> second
A --> third
A --> H[Ask Questions!!!]
classDef grey fill:#dddddd,stroke:#ffffff,stroke-width:px,color:#000000, font-size:15px;
classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:px,color:#000,font-weight:bold
classDef spacewhite fill:#ffffff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:0px,color:#000
class A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,M,Q,N,O,P,V grey
class S,T,U spacewhite
class first,second,third white
Figure 1. Getting started for a new contributor.
Figure 1 outlines a roadmap for new contributors. You can follow some or all of the steps for Sign up and Review. Now you are ready to open PRs that achieve your contribution objectives with some listed under Open PR. Again, questions are always welcome!
Some tasks require more trust and more access in the Kubernetes organization.
See Participating in SIG Docs for more details about
roles and permissions.
Your first contribution
You can prepare for your first contribution by reviewing several steps beforehand. Figure 2 outlines the steps and the details follow.
flowchart LR
subgraph second[First Contribution]
direction TB
S[ ] -.-
G[Review PRs from other K8s members] -->
A[Check K8s/website issues list for good first PRs] --> B[Open a PR!!]
subgraph first[Suggested Prep]
direction TB
T[ ] -.-
D[Read contribution overview] -->E[Read K8s content and style guides]
E --> F[Learn about Hugo page content types and shortcodes]
first ----> second
classDef grey fill:#dddddd,stroke:#ffffff,stroke-width:px,color:#000000, font-size:15px;
classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:px,color:#000,font-weight:bold
classDef spacewhite fill:#ffffff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:0px,color:#000
class A,B,D,E,F,G grey
class S,T spacewhite
class first,second white
Figure 2. Preparation for your first contribution.
Read the Contribution overview to
learn about the different ways you can contribute.
SIG Docs is the group of contributors who
publish and maintain Kubernetes documentation and the website. Getting
involved with SIG Docs is a great way for Kubernetes contributors (feature
development or otherwise) to have a large impact on the Kubernetes project.
Join the SIG Docs async Slack standup meeting on those weeks when the in-person Zoom video meeting does not take place. Meetings are always announced on #sig-docs. You can contribute to any one of the threads up to 24 hours after meeting announcement.
Other ways to contribute
Visit the Kubernetes community site. Participate on Twitter or Stack Overflow, learn about local Kubernetes meetups and events, and more.
If you notice an issue with Kubernetes documentation or have an idea for new content, then open an issue. All you need is a GitHub account and a web browser.
In most cases, new work on Kubernetes documentation begins with an issue in GitHub. Kubernetes contributors
then review, categorize and tag issues as needed. Next, you or another member
of the Kubernetes community open a pull request with changes to resolve the issue.
Opening an issue
If you want to suggest improvements to existing content or notice an error, then open an issue.
Click the Create an issue link on the right sidebar. This redirects you
to a GitHub issue page pre-populated with some headers.
Describe the issue or suggestion for improvement. Provide as many details as you can.
Click Submit new issue.
After submitting, check in on your issue occasionally or turn on GitHub notifications.
Reviewers and other community members might ask questions before
they can take action on your issue.
Suggesting new content
If you have an idea for new content, but you aren't sure where it should go, you can
still file an issue. Either:
Choose an existing page in the section you think the content belongs in and click Create an issue.
Provide a clear issue description. Describe what specifically is missing, out of date,
wrong, or needs improvement.
Explain the specific impact the issue has on users.
Limit the scope of a given issue to a reasonable unit of work. For problems
with a large scope, break them down into smaller issues. For example, "Fix the security docs"
is too broad, but "Add details to the 'Restricting network access' topic" is specific enough
to be actionable.
Search the existing issues to see if there's anything related or similar to the
new issue.
If the new issue relates to another issue or pull request, refer to it
either by its full URL or by the issue or pull request number prefixed
with a # character. For example, Introduced by #987654.
Follow the Code of Conduct. Respect your
fellow contributors. For example, "The docs are terrible" is not
helpful or polite feedback.
2 - Contributing new content
This section contains information you should know before contributing new
flowchart LR
subgraph second[Before you begin]
direction TB
S[ ] -.-
A[Sign the CNCF CLA] --> B[Choose Git branch]
B --> C[One language per PR]
C --> F[Check out contributor tools]
subgraph first[Contributing Basics]
direction TB
T[ ] -.-
D[Write docs in markdown and build site with Hugo] --- E[source in GitHub]
E --- G['/content/../docs' folder contains docs for multiple languages]
G --- H[Review Hugo page content types and shortcodes]
first ----> second
classDef grey fill:#dddddd,stroke:#ffffff,stroke-width:px,color:#000000, font-size:15px;
classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:px,color:#000,font-weight:bold
classDef spacewhite fill:#ffffff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:0px,color:#000
class A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H grey
class S,T spacewhite
class first,second white
Figure - Contributing new content preparation
The figure above depicts the information you should know
prior to submitting new content. The information details follow.
Contributing basics
Write Kubernetes documentation in Markdown and build the Kubernetes site
using Hugo.
Kubernetes documentation uses CommonMark as its flavor of Markdown.
The source is in GitHub. You can find
Kubernetes documentation at /content/en/docs/. Some of the reference
documentation is automatically generated from scripts in
the update-imported-docs/ directory.
Page content types describe the
presentation of documentation content in Hugo.
In addition to the standard Hugo shortcodes, we use a number of
custom Hugo shortcodes in our
documentation to control the presentation of content.
Documentation source is available in multiple languages in /content/. Each
language has its own folder with a two-letter code determined by the
ISO 639-1 standard
. For example, English documentation source is stored in /content/en/docs/.
For more information about contributing to documentation in multiple languages
or starting a new translation,
see localization.
Pull requests from contributors who haven't signed the CLA fail the automated
tests. The name and email you provide must match those found in
your git config, and your git name and email must match those used for the
Choose which Git branch to use
When opening a pull request, you need to know in advance which branch to base
your work on.
Existing or new English language content for the current release
Content for a feature change release
The branch which corresponds to the major and minor version the feature change is in, using the pattern dev-<version>. For example, if a feature changes in the v1.24 release, then add documentation changes to the dev-1.24 branch.
If you're still not sure which branch to choose, ask in #sig-docs on Slack.
Note: If you already submitted your pull request and you know that the
base branch was wrong, you (and only you, the submitter) can change it.
Languages per PR
Limit pull requests to one language per PR. If you need to make an identical
change to the same code sample in multiple languages, open a separate PR for
each language.
Tools for contributors
The doc contributors tools
directory in the kubernetes/website repository contains tools to help your
contribution journey go more smoothly.
2.1 - Opening a pull request
Note:Code developers: If you are documenting a new feature for an
upcoming Kubernetes release, see
Document a new feature.
To contribute new content pages or improve existing content pages, open a pull request (PR). Make sure you follow all the requirements in the Before you begin section.
If your change is small, or you're unfamiliar with git, read Changes using GitHub to learn how to edit a page.
If your changes are large, read Work from a local fork to learn how to make changes locally on your computer.
Changes using GitHub
If you're less experienced with git workflows, here's an easier method of
opening a pull request. The figure below outlines the steps and the details follow.
flowchart LR
A([fa:fa-user New Contributor]) --- id1[(K8s/Website GitHub)]
subgraph tasks[Changes using GitHub]
direction TB
0[ ] -.-
1[1. Edit this page] --> 2[2. Use GitHub markdown editor to make changes]
2 --> 3[3. fill in Propose file change]
subgraph tasks2[ ]
direction TB
4[4. select Propose file change] --> 5[5. select Create pull request] --> 6[6. fill in Open a pull request]
6 --> 7[7. select Create pull request]
id1 --> tasks --> tasks2
classDef grey fill:#dddddd,stroke:#ffffff,stroke-width:px,color:#000000, font-size:15px;
classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:px,color:#000,font-weight:bold
classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef spacewhite fill:#ffffff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:0px,color:#000
class A,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 grey
class 0 spacewhite
class tasks,tasks2 white
class id1 k8s
Figure - Steps for opening a PR using GitHub
On the page where you see the issue, select the pencil icon at the top right.
You can also scroll to the bottom of the page and select Edit this page.
Make your changes in the GitHub markdown editor.
Below the editor, fill in the Propose file change
form. In the first field, give your commit message a title. In
the second field, provide a description.
Note: Do not use any GitHub Keywords in your commit message. You can add those to the pull request
description later.
Select Propose file change.
Select Create pull request.
The Open a pull request screen appears. Fill in the form:
The Subject field of the pull request defaults to the commit summary.
You can change it if needed.
The Body contains your extended commit message, if you have one,
and some template text. Add the
details the template text asks for, then delete the extra template text.
Leave the Allow edits from maintainers checkbox selected.
Note: PR descriptions are a great way to help reviewers understand your change. For more information, see Opening a PR.
Select Create pull request.
Addressing feedback in GitHub
Before merging a pull request, Kubernetes community members review and
approve it. The k8s-ci-robot suggests reviewers based on the nearest
owner mentioned in the pages. If you have someone specific in mind,
leave a comment with their GitHub username in it.
If a reviewer asks you to make changes:
Go to the Files changed tab.
Select the pencil (edit) icon on any files changed by the
pull request.
Make the changes requested.
Commit the changes.
If you are waiting on a reviewer, reach out once every 7 days. You can also post a message in the #sig-docs Slack channel.
When your review is complete, a reviewer merges your PR and your changes go live a few minutes later.
Work from a local fork
If you're more experienced with git, or if your changes are larger than a few lines,
work from a local fork.
Make sure you have git installed on your computer. You can also use a git UI application.
The figure below shows the steps to follow when you work from a local fork. The details for each step follow.
flowchart LR
1[Fork the K8s/website repository] --> 2[Create local clone and set upstream]
subgraph changes[Your changes]
direction TB
S[ ] -.-
3[Create a branch example: my_new_branch] --> 3a[Make changes using text editor] --> 4["Preview your changes locally using Hugo (localhost:1313) or build container image"]
subgraph changes2[Commit / Push]
direction TB
T[ ] -.-
5[Commit your changes] --> 6[Push commit to origin/my_new_branch]
2 --> changes --> changes2
classDef grey fill:#dddddd,stroke:#ffffff,stroke-width:px,color:#000000, font-size:15px;
classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:px,color:#000,font-weight:bold
classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef spacewhite fill:#ffffff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:0px,color:#000
class 1,2,3,3a,4,5,6 grey
class S,T spacewhite
class changes,changes2 white
Figure - Working from a local fork to make your changes
Fetch commits from your fork's origin/main and kubernetes/website's upstream/main:
git fetch origin
git fetch upstream
This makes sure your local repository is up to date before you start making changes.
Note: This workflow is different than the Kubernetes Community GitHub Workflow. You do not need to merge your local copy of main with upstream/main before pushing updates to your fork.
Create a branch
Decide which branch base to your work on:
For improvements to existing content, use upstream/main.
For new content about existing features, use upstream/main.
For new features in an upcoming Kubernetes release, use the feature branch. For more information, see documenting for a release.
For long-running efforts that multiple SIG Docs contributors collaborate on,
like content reorganization, use a specific feature branch created for that
If you need help choosing a branch, ask in the #sig-docs Slack channel.
Create a new branch based on the branch identified in step 1. This example assumes the base branch is upstream/main:
git checkout -b <my_new_branch> upstream/main
Make your changes using a text editor.
At any time, use the git status command to see what files you've changed.
Commit your changes
When you are ready to submit a pull request, commit your changes.
In your local repository, check which files you need to commit:
git status
Output is similar to:
On branch <my_new_branch>
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/<my_new_branch>'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: content/en/docs/contribute/new-content/
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Add the files listed under Changes not staged for commit to the commit:
git add <your_file_name>
Repeat this for each file.
After adding all the files, create a commit:
git commit -m "Your commit message"
Note: Do not use any GitHub Keywords in your commit message. You can add those to the pull request
description later.
Push your local branch and its new commit to your remote fork:
git push origin <my_new_branch>
Preview your changes locally
It's a good idea to preview your changes locally before pushing them or opening a pull request. A preview lets you catch build errors or markdown formatting problems.
You can either build the website's container image or run Hugo locally. Building the container image is slower but displays Hugo shortcodes, which can be useful for debugging.
If you have not updated your website repository, the website/themes/docsy directory is empty.
The site cannot build without a local copy of the theme. To update the website theme, run:
git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1
In a terminal, go to your Kubernetes website repository and start the Hugo server:
cd <path_to_your_repo>/website
hugo server --buildFuture
In a web browser, navigate to https://localhost:1313. Hugo watches the
changes and rebuilds the site as needed.
To stop the local Hugo instance, go back to the terminal and type Ctrl+C,
or close the terminal window.
Open a pull request from your fork to kubernetes/website
The figure below shows the steps to open a PR from your fork to the K8s/website. The details follow.
flowchart LR
subgraph first[ ]
direction TB
1[1. Go to K8s/website repository] --> 2[2. Select New Pull Request]
2 --> 3[3. Select compare across forks]
3 --> 4[4. Select your fork from head repository drop-down menu]
subgraph second [ ]
direction TB
5[5. Select your branch from the compare drop-down menu] --> 6[6. Select Create Pull Request]
6 --> 7[7. Add a description to your PR]
7 --> 8[8. Select Create pull request]
first --> second
classDef grey fill:#dddddd,stroke:#ffffff,stroke-width:px,color:#000000, font-size:15px;
classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:px,color:#000,font-weight:bold
class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 grey
class first,second white
Figure - Steps to open a PR from your fork to the K8s/website
From the head repository drop-down menu, select your fork.
From the compare drop-down menu, select your branch.
Select Create Pull Request.
Add a description for your pull request:
Title (50 characters or less): Summarize the intent of the change.
Description: Describe the change in more detail.
If there is a related GitHub issue, include Fixes #12345 or Closes #12345 in the description. GitHub's automation closes the mentioned issue after merging the PR if used. If there are other related PRs, link those as well.
If you want advice on something specific, include any questions you'd like reviewers to think about in your description.
Select the Create pull request button.
Congratulations! Your pull request is available in Pull requests.
After opening a PR, GitHub runs automated tests and tries to deploy a preview using Netlify.
If the Netlify build fails, select Details for more information.
If the Netlify build succeeds, select Details opens a staged version of the Kubernetes website with your changes applied. This is how reviewers check your changes.
GitHub also automatically assigns labels to a PR, to help reviewers. You can add them too, if needed. For more information, see Adding and removing issue labels.
Addressing feedback locally
After making your changes, amend your previous commit:
git commit -a --amend
-a: commits all changes
--amend: amends the previous commit, rather than creating a new one
Update your commit message if needed.
Use git push origin <my_new_branch> to push your changes and re-run the Netlify tests.
Note: If you use git commit -m instead of amending, you must squash your commits before merging.
Changes from reviewers
Sometimes reviewers commit to your pull request. Before making any other changes, fetch those commits.
Fetch commits from your remote fork and rebase your working branch:
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/<your-branch-name>
After rebasing, force-push new changes to your fork:
If another contributor commits changes to the same file in another PR, it can create a merge conflict. You must resolve all merge conflicts in your PR.
Update your fork and rebase your local branch:
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/<your-branch-name>
If your PR has multiple commits, you must squash them into a single commit before merging your PR. You can check the number of commits on your PR's Commits tab or by running the git log command locally.
Note: This topic assumes vim as the command line text editor.
Start an interactive rebase:
git rebase -i HEAD~<number_of_commits_in_branch>
Squashing commits is a form of rebasing. The -i switch tells git you want to rebase interactively. HEAD~<number_of_commits_in_branch indicates how many commits to look at for the rebase.
Output is similar to:
pick d875112ca Original commit
pick 4fa167b80 Address feedback 1
pick 7d54e15ee Address feedback 2# Rebase 3d18sf680..7d54e15ee onto 3d183f680 (3 commands)
# These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.
The first section of the output lists the commits in the rebase. The second section lists the options for each commit. Changing the word pick changes the status of the commit once the rebase is complete.
For the purposes of rebasing, focus on squash and pick.
This squashes commits 4fa167b80 Address feedback 1 and 7d54e15ee Address feedback 2 into d875112ca Original commit, leaving only d875112ca Original commit as a part of the timeline.
Save and exit your file.
Push your squashed commit:
git push --force-with-lease origin <branch_name>
Contribute to other repos
The Kubernetes project contains 50+ repositories. Many of these repositories contain documentation: user-facing help text, error messages, API references or code comments.
If you see text you'd like to improve, use GitHub to search all repositories in the Kubernetes organization.
This can help you figure out where to submit your issue or PR.
Each repository has its own processes and procedures. Before you file an
issue or submit a PR, read that repository's,, and, if they exist.
Most repositories use issue and PR templates. Have a look through some open
issues and PRs to get a feel for that team's processes. Make sure to fill out
the templates with as much detail as possible when you file issues or PRs.
What's next
Read Reviewing to learn more about the review process.
2.2 - Documenting a feature for a release
Each major Kubernetes release introduces new features that require documentation. New releases also bring updates to existing features and documentation (such as upgrading a feature from alpha to beta).
Generally, the SIG responsible for a feature submits draft documentation of the
feature as a pull request to the appropriate development branch of the
kubernetes/website repository, and someone on the SIG Docs team provides
editorial feedback or edits the draft directly. This section covers the branching
conventions and process used during a release by both groups.
For documentation contributors
In general, documentation contributors don't write content from scratch for a release.
Instead, they work with the SIG creating a new feature to refine the draft documentation and make it release ready.
After you've chosen a feature to document or assist, ask about it in the #sig-docs
Slack channel, in a weekly SIG Docs meeting, or directly on the PR filed by the
feature SIG. If you're given the go-ahead, you can edit into the PR using one of
the techniques described in
Commit into another person's PR.
Find out about upcoming features
To find out about upcoming features, attend the weekly SIG Release meeting (see
the community page for upcoming meetings)
and monitor the release-specific documentation
in the kubernetes/sig-release
repository. Each release has a sub-directory in the /sig-release/tree/master/releases/
directory. The sub-directory contains a release schedule, a draft of the release
notes, and a document listing each person on the release team.
The release schedule contains links to all other documents, meetings,
meeting minutes, and milestones relating to the release. It also contains
information about the goals and timeline of the release, and any special
processes in place for this release. Near the bottom of the document, several
release-related terms are defined.
This document also contains a link to the Feature tracking sheet, which is
the official way to find out about all new features scheduled to go into the
The release team document lists who is responsible for each release role. If
it's not clear who to talk to about a specific feature or question you have,
either attend the release meeting to ask your question, or contact the release
lead so that they can redirect you.
The release notes draft is a good place to find out about
specific features, changes, deprecations, and more about the release. The
content is not finalized until late in the release cycle, so use caution.
Feature tracking sheet
The feature tracking sheet for a given Kubernetes release
lists each feature that is planned for a release.
Each line item includes the name of the feature, a link to the feature's main
GitHub issue, its stability level (Alpha, Beta, or Stable), the SIG and
individual responsible for implementing it, whether it
needs docs, a draft release note for the feature, and whether it has been
merged. Keep the following in mind:
Beta and Stable features are generally a higher documentation priority than
Alpha features.
It's hard to test (and therefore to document) a feature that hasn't been merged,
or is at least considered feature-complete in its PR.
Determining whether a feature needs documentation is a manual process. Even if
a feature is not marked as needing docs, you may need to document the feature.
For developers or other SIG members
This section is information for members of other Kubernetes SIGs documenting new features
for a release.
If you are a member of a SIG developing a new feature for Kubernetes, you need
to work with SIG Docs to be sure your feature is documented in time for the
release. Check the
feature tracking spreadsheet
or check in the #sig-release Kubernetes Slack channel to verify scheduling details and
Open a placeholder PR
Open a draft pull request against the
dev-1.24 branch in the kubernetes/website repository, with a small
commit that you will amend later. To create a draft pull request, use the
Create Pull Request drop-down and select Create Draft Pull Request,
then click Draft Pull Request.
Leave a comment on the related kubernetes/enhancements
issue with a link to the PR to notify the docs person managing this release that
the feature docs are coming and should be tracked for the release.
If your feature does not need
any documentation changes, make sure the sig-release team knows this, by
mentioning it in the #sig-release Slack channel. If the feature does need
documentation but the PR is not created, the feature may be removed from the
PR ready for review
When ready, populate your placeholder PR with feature documentation and change
the state of the PR from draft to ready for review. To mark a pull request
as ready for review, navigate to the merge box and click Ready for review.
Do your best to describe your feature and how to use it. If you need help structuring your documentation, ask in the #sig-docs slack channel.
When you complete your content, the documentation person assigned to your feature reviews it.
To ensure technical accuracy, the content may also require a technical review from corresponding SIG(s).
Use their suggestions to get the content to a release ready state.
If your feature is an Alpha or Beta feature and is behind a feature gate,
make sure you add it to Alpha/Beta Feature gates
table as part of your pull request. With new feature gates, a description of
the feature gate is also required. If your feature is GA'ed or deprecated,
make sure to move it from that table to Feature gates for graduated or deprecated features
table with Alpha and Beta history intact.
If your feature needs documentation and the first draft
content is not received, the feature may be removed from the milestone.
All PRs reviewed and ready to merge
If your PR has not yet been merged into the dev-1.24 branch by the release deadline, work with the
docs person managing the release to get it in by the deadline. If your feature needs
documentation and the docs are not ready, the feature may be removed from the
2.3 - Submitting blog posts and case studies
Anyone can write a blog post and submit it for review.
Case studies require extensive review before they're approved.
The Kubernetes Blog
The Kubernetes blog is used by the project to communicate new features, community reports, and any news that might be relevant to the Kubernetes community.
This includes end users and developers.
Most of the blog's content is about things happening in the core project, but we encourage you to submit about things happening elsewhere in the ecosystem too!
Anyone can write a blog post and submit it for review.
Submit a Post
Blog posts should not be commercial in nature and should consist of original content that applies broadly to the Kubernetes community.
Appropriate blog content includes:
New Kubernetes capabilities
Kubernetes projects updates
Updates from Special Interest Groups
Tutorials and walkthroughs
Thought leadership around Kubernetes
Kubernetes Partner OSS integration
Original content only
Unsuitable content includes:
Vendor product pitches
Partner updates without an integration and customer story
Have a look at the Markdown format for existing blog posts in the website repository.
Write out your blog post in a text editor of your choice.
On the same link from step 2, click the Create new file button. Paste your content into the editor. Name the file to match the proposed title of the blog post, but don’t put the date in the file name. The blog reviewers will work with you on the final file name and the date the blog will be published.
When you save the file, GitHub will walk you through the pull request process.
A blog post reviewer will review your submission and work with you on feedback and final details. When the blog post is approved, the blog will be scheduled for publication.
Guidelines and expectations
Blog posts should not be vendor pitches.
Articles must contain content that applies broadly to the Kubernetes community. For example, a submission should focus on upstream Kubernetes as opposed to vendor-specific configurations. Check the Documentation style guide for what is typically allowed on Kubernetes properties.
Links should primarily be to the official Kubernetes documentation. When using external references, links should be diverse - For example a submission shouldn't contain only links back to a single company's blog.
Sometimes this is a delicate balance. The blog team is there to give guidance on whether a post is appropriate for the Kubernetes blog, so don't hesitate to reach out.
Blog posts are not published on specific dates.
Articles are reviewed by community volunteers. We'll try our best to accommodate specific timing, but we make no guarantees.
Many core parts of the Kubernetes projects submit blog posts during release windows, delaying publication times. Consider submitting during a quieter period of the release cycle.
If you are looking for greater coordination on post release dates, coordinating with CNCF marketing is a more appropriate choice than submitting a blog post.
Sometimes reviews can get backed up. If you feel your review isn't getting the attention it needs, you can reach out to the blog team via this slack channel to ask in real time.
Blog posts should be relevant to Kubernetes users.
Topics related to participation in or results of Kubernetes SIGs activities are always on topic (see the work in the Upstream Marketing Team for support on these posts).
The components of Kubernetes are purposely modular, so tools that use existing integration points like CNI and CSI are on topic.
Posts about other CNCF projects may or may not be on topic. We recommend asking the blog team before submitting a draft.
Many CNCF projects have their own blog. These are often a better choice for posts. There are times of major feature or milestone for a CNCF project that users would be interested in reading on the Kubernetes blog.
The official blog is not for repurposing existing content from a third party as new content.
The license for the blog allows commercial use of the content for commercial purposes, but not the other way around.
Blog posts should aim to be future proof
Given the development velocity of the project, we want evergreen content that won't require updates to stay accurate for the reader.
It can be a better choice to add a tutorial or update official documentation than to write a high level overview as a blog post.
Consider concentrating the long technical content as a call to action of the blog post, and focus on the problem space or why readers should care.
Technical Considerations for submitting a blog post
Submissions need to be in Markdown format to be used by the Hugo generator for the blog. There are many resources available on how to use this technology stack.
We recognize that this requirement makes the process more difficult for less-familiar folks to submit, and we're constantly looking at solutions to lower this bar. If you have ideas on how to lower the barrier, please volunteer to help out.
The SIG Docs blog subproject manages the review process for blog posts. For more information, see Submit a post.
Ensure that your blog post follows the correct naming conventions and the following frontmatter (metadata) information:
The Markdown file name must follow the format For example,
Do not include dots in the filename. A name like causes failures during a build.
The front matter must include the following:
---layout:blogtitle:"Your Title Here"date:YYYY-MM-DDslug:text-for-URL-link-here-no-spaces---
The first or initial commit message should be a short summary of the work being done and should stand alone as a description of the blog post. Please note that subsequent edits to your blog will be squashed into this main commit, so it should be as useful as possible.
Examples of a good commit message:
Add blog post on the foo kubernetes feature
blog: foobar announcement
Examples of bad commit message:
Add blog post
initial commit
draft post
The blog team will then review your PR and give you comments on things you might need to fix. After that the bot will merge your PR and your blog post will be published.
If the content of the blog post contains only content that is not expected to require updates to stay accurate for the reader, it can be marked as evergreen and exempted from the automatic warning about outdated content added to blog posts older than one year.
To mark a blog post as evergreen, add this to the front matter:
Examples of content that should not be marked evergreen:
Tutorials that only apply to specific releases or versions and not all future versions
References to pre-GA APIs or features
Submit a case study
Case studies highlight how organizations are using Kubernetes to solve
real-world problems. The Kubernetes marketing team and members of the CNCF collaborate with you on all case studies.
Refer to the case study guidelines and submit your request as outlined in the guidelines.
3 - Reviewing changes
This section describes how to review content.
3.1 - Reviewing pull requests
Anyone can review a documentation pull request. Visit the pull requests section in the Kubernetes website repository to see open pull requests.
Reviewing documentation pull requests is a
great way to introduce yourself to the Kubernetes community.
It helps you learn the code base and build trust with other contributors.
Comment on positive aspects of PRs as well as changes.
Be empathetic and mindful of how your review may be received.
Assume good intent and ask clarifying questions.
Experienced contributors, consider pairing with new contributors whose work requires extensive changes.
Review process
In general, review pull requests for content and style in English. Figure 1 outlines the steps for the review process. The details for each step follow.
flowchart LR
subgraph fourth[Start review]
direction TB
S[ ] -.-
M[add comments] --> N[review changes]
N --> O[new contributors should choose Comment]
subgraph third[Select PR]
direction TB
T[ ] -.-
J[read description and comments]--> K[preview changes in Netlify preview build]
A[Review open PR list]--> B[Filter open PRs by label]
B --> third --> fourth
classDef grey fill:#dddddd,stroke:#ffffff,stroke-width:px,color:#000000, font-size:15px;
classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:px,color:#000,font-weight:bold
classDef spacewhite fill:#ffffff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:0px,color:#000
class A,B,J,K,M,N,O grey
class S,T spacewhite
class third,fourth white
Filter the open PRs using one or all of the following labels:
cncf-cla: yes (Recommended): PRs submitted by contributors who have not signed the CLA cannot be merged. See Sign the CLA for more information.
language/en (Recommended): Filters for english language PRs only.
size/<size>: filters for PRs of a certain size. If you're new, start with smaller PRs.
Additionally, ensure the PR isn't marked as a work in progress. PRs using the work in progress label are not ready for review yet.
Once you've selected a PR to review, understand the change by:
Reading the PR description to understand the changes made, and read any linked issues
Reading any comments by other reviewers
Clicking the Files changed tab to see the files and lines changed
Previewing the changes in the Netlify preview build by scrolling to the PR's build check section at the bottom of the Conversation tab.
Here's a screenshot (this shows GitHub's desktop site; if you're reviewing
on a tablet or smartphone device, the GitHub web UI is slightly different):
To open the preview, click on the Details link of the deploy/netlify line in the list of checks.
Go to the Files changed tab to start your review.
Click on the + symbol beside the line you want to comment on.
Fill in any comments you have about the line and click either Add single comment (if you have only one comment to make) or Start a review (if you have multiple comments to make).
When finished, click Review changes at the top of the page. Here, you can add
add a summary of your review (and leave some positive comments for the contributor!),
approve the PR, comment or request changes as needed. New contributors should always
choose Comment.
Reviewing checklist
When reviewing, use the following as a starting point.
Language and grammar
Are there any obvious errors in language or grammar? Is there a better way to phrase something?
Are there any complicated or archaic words which could be replaced with a simpler word?
Are there any words, terms or phrases in use which could be replaced with a non-discriminatory alternative?
Does the word choice and its capitalization follow the style guide?
Are there long sentences which could be shorter or less complex?
Are there any long paragraphs which might work better as a list or table?
Does similar content exist elsewhere on the Kubernetes site?
Does the content excessively link to off-site, individual vendor or non-open source documentation?
Did this PR change or remove a page title, slug/alias or anchor link? If so, are there broken links as a result of this PR? Is there another option, like changing the page title without changing the slug?
Does the PR introduce a new page? If so:
Is the page using the right page content type and associated Hugo shortcodes?
Does the page appear correctly in the section's side navigation (or at all)?
Do the changes show up in the Netlify preview? Be particularly vigilant about lists, code blocks, tables, notes and images.
For small issues with a PR, like typos or whitespace, prefix your comments with nit:. This lets the author know the issue is non-critical.
3.2 - Reviewing for approvers and reviewers
SIG Docs Reviewers and
Approvers do a few extra things
when reviewing a change.
Every week a specific docs approver volunteers to triage
and review pull requests. This
person is the "PR Wrangler" for the week. See the
PR Wrangler scheduler for more information. To become a PR Wrangler, attend the weekly SIG Docs meeting and volunteer. Even if you are not on the schedule for the current week, you can still review pull
requests (PRs) that are not already under active review.
In addition to the rotation, a bot assigns reviewers and approvers
for the PR based on the owners for the affected files.
Everything described in Reviewing a pull request applies, but Reviewers and Approvers should also do the following:
Using the /assign Prow command to assign a specific reviewer to a PR as needed. This is extra important
when it comes to requesting technical review from code contributors.
Note: Look at the reviewers field in the front-matter at the top of a Markdown file to see who can
provide technical review.
Making sure the PR follows the Content and Style guides; link the author to the relevant part of the guide(s) if it doesn't.
Using the GitHub Request Changes option when applicable to suggest changes to the PR author.
Changing your review status in GitHub using the /approve or /lgtm Prow commands, if your suggestions are implemented.
Commit into another person's PR
Leaving PR comments is helpful, but there might be times when you need to commit
into another person's PR instead.
Do not "take over" for another person unless they explicitly ask
you to, or you want to resurrect a long-abandoned PR. While it may be faster
in the short term, it deprives the person of the chance to contribute.
The process you use depends on whether you need to edit a file that is already
in the scope of the PR, or a file that the PR has not yet touched.
You can't commit into someone else's PR if either of the following things is
If the PR author pushed their branch directly to the
repository. Only a reviewer with push access can commit to another user's PR.
Note: Encourage the author to push their branch to their fork before
opening the PR next time.
The PR author explicitly disallows edits from approvers.
Prow commands for reviewing
Prow is
the Kubernetes-based CI/CD system that runs jobs against pull requests (PRs). Prow
enables chatbot-style commands to handle GitHub actions across the Kubernetes
organization, like adding and removing labels, closing issues, and assigning an approver. Enter Prow commands as GitHub comments using the /<command-name> format.
The most common prow commands reviewers and approvers use are:
Prow commands for reviewing
Prow Command
Role Restrictions
Organization members
Signals that you've finished reviewing a PR and are satisfied with the changes.
Approves a PR for merging.
Reviewers or Approvers
Assigns a person to review or approve a PR
Reviewers or Approvers
Closes an issue or PR.
Adds the do-not-merge/hold label, indicating the PR cannot be automatically merged.
This GitHub Issue filter
finds issues that might need triage.
Triaging an issue
Validate the issue
Make sure the issue is about website documentation. Some issues can be closed quickly by
answering a question or pointing the reporter to a resource. See the
Support requests or code bug reports section for details.
Assess whether the issue has merit.
Add the triage/needs-information label if the issue doesn't have enough
detail to be actionable or the template is not filled out adequately.
Close the issue if it has both the lifecycle/stale and triage/needs-information labels.
Issues are generally opened and closed quickly.
However, sometimes an issue is inactive after its opened.
Other times, an issue may need to remain open for longer than 90 days.
Issue lifecycle labels
After 90 days with no activity, an issue is automatically labeled as stale. The issue will be automatically closed if the lifecycle is not manually reverted using the /remove-lifecycle stale command.
An issue with this label will not become stale after 90 days of inactivity. A user manually adds this label to issues that need to remain open for much longer than 90 days, such as those with a priority/important-longterm label.
Handling special issue types
SIG Docs encounters the following types of issues often enough to document how
to handle them.
Duplicate issues
If a single problem has one or more issues open for it, combine them into a single issue.
You should decide which issue to keep open (or
open a new issue), then move over all relevant information and link related issues.
Finally, label all other issues that describe the same problem with
triage/duplicate and close them. Only having a single issue to work on reduces confusion
and avoids duplicate work on the same problem.
Dead link issues
If the dead link issue is in the API or kubectl documentation, assign them /priority critical-urgent until the problem is fully understood. Assign all other dead link issues /priority important-longterm, as they must be manually fixed.
Blog issues
We expect Kubernetes Blog entries to become
outdated over time. Therefore, we only maintain blog entries less than a year old.
If an issue is related to a blog entry that is more than one year old,
close the issue without fixing.
Support requests or code bug reports
Some docs issues are actually issues with the underlying code, or requests for
assistance when something, for example a tutorial, doesn't work.
For issues unrelated to docs, close the issue with the kind/support label and a comment
directing the requester to support venues (Slack, Stack Overflow) and, if
relevant, the repository to file an issue for bugs with features (kubernetes/kubernetes
is a great place to start).
Sample response to a request for support:
This issue sounds more like a request for support and less
like an issue specifically for docs. I encourage you to bring
your question to the `#kubernetes-users` channel in
[Kubernetes slack]( You can also search
resources like
[Stack Overflow](
for answers to similar questions.
You can also open issues for Kubernetes functionality in
If this is a documentation issue, please re-open this issue.
Sample code bug report response:
This sounds more like an issue with the code than an issue with
the documentation. Please open an issue at
If this is a documentation issue, please re-open this issue.
4 - Localizing Kubernetes documentation
This page shows you how to localize the docs for a different language.
Contribute to an existing localization
You can help add or improve content to an existing localization. In Kubernetes Slack you'll find a channel for each localization. There is also a general SIG Docs Localizations Slack channel where you can say hello.
Note: If you want to work on a localization that already exists, check
this page in that localization (if it exists), rather than the
English original. You might see extra details there.
Find your two-letter language code
First, consult the ISO 639-1 standard to find your localization's two-letter language code. For example, the two-letter code for Korean is ko.
git clone<username>/website
cd website
The website content directory includes sub-directories for each language. The localization you want to help out with is inside content/<two-letter-code>.
Suggest changes
Create or update your chosen localized page based on the English original. See
translating content for more details.
If you notice a technical inaccuracy or other problem with the upstream (English)
documentation, you should fix the upstream documentation first and then repeat the
equivalent fix by updating the localization you're working on.
Please limit pull requests to a single localization, since pull requests that change
content in multiple localizations could be difficult to review.
Follow Suggesting Content Improvements to propose changes to
that localization. The process is very similar to proposing changes to the upstream (English) content.
Start a new localization
If you want the Kubernetes documentation localized into a new language, here's what
you need to do.
Because contributors can't approve their own pull requests, you need at least two contributors
to begin a localization.
All localization teams must be self-sustaining. The Kubernetes website is happy to host your work, but
it's up to you to translate it and keep existing localized content current.
You'll need to know the two-letter language code for your language. Consult the
ISO 639-1 standard to find your
localization's two-letter language code. For example, the two-letter code for Korean is
When you start a new localization, you must localize all the
minimum required content before
the Kubernetes project can publish your changes to the live
SIG Docs can help you work on a separate branch so that you
can incrementally work towards that goal.
Find community
Let Kubernetes SIG Docs know you're interested in creating a localization! Join the SIG Docs Slack channel and the SIG Docs Localizations Slack channel. Other localization teams are happy to help you get started and answer any questions you have.
Please also consider participating in the SIG Docs Localization Subgroup meeting. The mission of the SIG Docs localization subgroup is to work across the SIG Docs localization teams to collaborate on defining and documenting the processes for creating localized contribution guides. In addition, the SIG Docs localization subgroup will look for opportunities for the creation and sharing of common tools across localization teams and also serve to identify new requirements to the SIG Docs Leadership team. If you have questions about this meeting, please inquire on the SIG Docs Localizations Slack channel.
You can also create a Slack channel for your localization in the kubernetes/community repository. For an example of adding a Slack channel, see the PR for adding a channel for Persian.
Join the Kubernetes GitHub organization
Once you've opened a localization PR, you can become members of the Kubernetes GitHub organization. Each person on the team needs to create their own Organization Membership Request in the kubernetes/org repository.
Members of @kubernetes/sig-docs-**-owners can approve PRs that change content within (and only within) your localization directory: /content/**/.
For each localization, The @kubernetes/sig-docs-**-reviews team automates review assignment for new PRs.
Members of @kubernetes/website-maintainers can create new localization branches to coordinate translation efforts.
Members of @kubernetes/website-milestone-maintainers can use the /milestoneProw command to assign a milestone to issues or PRs.
Configure the workflow
Next, add a GitHub label for your localization in the kubernetes/test-infra repository. A label lets you filter issues and pull requests for your specific language.
The Kubernetes website uses Hugo as its web framework. The website's Hugo configuration resides in the config.toml file. To support a new localization, you'll need to modify config.toml.
Add a configuration block for the new language to config.toml, under the existing [languages] block. The German block, for example, looks like:
The value for languageName will be listed in language selection bar. Assign "language name in native script (language name in latin script)" to languageName, for example, languageName = "한국어 (Korean)". languageNameLatinScript can be used to access the language name in latin script and use it in the theme. Assign "language name in latin script" to languageNameLatinScript, for example, languageNameLatinScript ="Korean".
When assigning a weight parameter for your block, find the language block with the highest weight and add 1 to that value.
For more information about Hugo's multilingual support, see "Multilingual Mode".
Add a new localization directory
Add a language-specific subdirectory to the content folder in the repository. For example, the two-letter code for German is de:
mkdir content/de
You also need to create a directory inside data/i18n for
localized strings; look at existing localizations
for an example. To use these new strings, you must also create a symbolic link
from i18n/<localization>.toml to the actual string configuration in
data/i18n/<localization>/<localization>.toml (remember to commit the symbolic
For example, for German the strings live in data/i18n/de/de.toml, and
i18n/de.toml is a symbolic link to data/i18n/de/de.toml.
Localize the community code of conduct
Open a PR against the cncf/foundation repository to add the code of conduct in your language.
Setting up the OWNERS files
To set the roles of each user contributing to the localization, create an OWNERS file inside the language-specific subdirectory with:
reviewers: A list of kubernetes teams with reviewer roles, in this case, the sig-docs-**-reviews team created in Add your localization team in GitHub.
approvers: A list of kubernetes teams with approvers roles, in this case, the sig-docs-**-owners team created in Add your localization team in GitHub.
labels: A list of GitHub labels to automatically apply to a PR, in this case, the language label created in Configure the workflow.
More information about the OWNERS file can be found at
# See the OWNERS docs at This is the localization project for Spanish.# Teams and members are visible at sig-docs-es-reviewsapprovers:- sig-docs-es-ownerslabels:- language/es
After adding the language-specific OWNERS file, update the root OWNERS_ALIASES file with the new Kubernetes teams for the localization, sig-docs-**-owners and sig-docs-**-reviews.
For an example of adding a new localization, see the PR to enable docs in French.
Add a localized README file
To guide other localization contributors, add a new README-**.md to the top level of k/website, where ** is the two-letter language code. For example, a German README file would be
Provide guidance to localization contributors in the localized README-**.md file. Include the same information contained in as well as:
A point of contact for the localization project
Any information specific to the localization
After you create the localized README, add a link to the file from the main English, and include contact information in English. You can provide a GitHub ID, email address, Slack channel, or other method of contact. You must also provide a link to your localized Community Code of Conduct.
Launching your new localization
Once a localization meets requirements for workflow and minimum output, SIG Docs will:
Translated documents must reside in their own content/**/ subdirectory, but otherwise follow the same URL path as the English source. For example, to prepare the Kubernetes Basics tutorial for translation into German, create a subfolder under the content/de/ folder and copy the English source:
Translation tools can speed up the translation process. For example, some editors offers plugins to quickly translate text.
Caution: Machine-generated translation is insufficient on its own. Localization requires extensive human review to meet minimum standards of quality.
To ensure accuracy in grammar and meaning, members of your localization team should carefully review all machine-generated translations before publishing.
Source files
Localizations must be based on the English files from a specific release targeted by the localization team.
Each localization team can decide which release to target which is referred to as the target version below.
Revise the comments at the top of the file to suit your localization,
then translate the value of each string. For example, this is the German-language
placeholder text for the search form:
other = "Suchen"
Localizing site strings lets you customize site-wide text and features: for example, the legal copyright text in the footer on each page.
Language specific style guide and glossary
Some language teams have their own language-specific style guide and glossary. For example, see the Korean Localization Guide.
Language specific Zoom meetings
If the localization project needs a separate meeting time, contact a SIG Docs Co-Chair or Tech Lead to create a new reoccurring Zoom meeting and calendar invite. This is only needed when the the team is large enough to sustain and require a separate meeting.
Per CNCF policy, the localization teams must upload their meetings to the SIG Docs YouTube playlist. A SIG Docs Co-Chair or Tech Lead can help with the process until SIG Docs automates it.
Branching strategy
Because localization projects are highly collaborative efforts, we
encourage teams to work in shared localization branches - especially
when starting out and the localization is not yet live.
For example, an approver on a German localization team opens the localization branch dev-1.12-de.1 directly against the k/website repository, based on the source branch for Kubernetes v1.12.
Individual contributors open feature branches based on the localization branch.
For example, a German contributor opens a pull request with changes to kubernetes:dev-1.12-de.1 from username:local-branch-name.
Approvers review and merge feature branches into the localization branch.
Periodically, an approver merges the localization branch to its source branch by opening and approving a new pull request. Be sure to squash the commits before approving the pull request.
Repeat steps 1-4 as needed until the localization is complete. For example, subsequent German localization branches would be: dev-1.12-de.2, dev-1.12-de.3, etc.
Teams must merge localized content into the same branch from which the content was sourced.
For example:
a localization branch sourced from main must be merged into main.
a localization branch sourced from release-1.22 must be merged into release-1.22.
Note: If your localization branch was created from main branch but it is not merged into main before new release branch release-1.23 created, merge it into both main and new release branch release-1.23. To merge your localization branch into new release branch release-1.23, you need to switch upstream branch of your localization branch to release-1.23.
At the beginning of every team milestone, it's helpful to open an issue comparing upstream changes between the previous localization branch and the current localization branch. There are two scripts for comparing upstream changes. is useful for checking the changes made to a specific file. And is useful for creating a list of outdated files for a specific localization branch.
While only approvers can open a new localization branch and merge pull requests, anyone can open a pull request for a new localization branch. No special permissions are required.
For more information about working from forks or directly from the repository, see "fork and clone the repo".
Upstream contributions
SIG Docs welcomes upstream contributions and corrections to the English source.
5 - Participating in SIG Docs
SIG Docs is one of the
special interest groups
within the Kubernetes project, focused on writing, updating, and maintaining
the documentation for Kubernetes as a whole. See
SIG Docs from the community github repo
for more information about the SIG.
SIG Docs welcomes content and reviews from all contributors. Anyone can open a
pull request (PR), and anyone is welcome to file issues about content or comment
on pull requests in progress.
You can also become a member,
reviewer, or
These roles require greater access and entail certain responsibilities for
approving and committing changes. See
for more information on how membership works within the Kubernetes community.
The rest of this document outlines some unique ways these roles function within
SIG Docs, which is responsible for maintaining one of the most public-facing
aspects of Kubernetes -- the Kubernetes website and documentation.
SIG Docs chairperson
Each SIG, including SIG Docs, selects one or more SIG members to act as
chairpersons. These are points of contact between SIG Docs and other parts of
the Kubernetes organization. They require extensive knowledge of the structure
of the Kubernetes project as a whole and how SIG Docs works within it. See
for the current list of chairpersons.
SIG Docs teams and automation
Automation in SIG Docs relies on two different mechanisms:
GitHub teams and OWNERS files.
GitHub teams
There are two categories of SIG Docs teams on GitHub:
@sig-docs-{language}-owners are approvers and leads
@sig-docs-{language}-reviewers are reviewers
Each can be referenced with their @name in GitHub comments to communicate with
everyone in that group.
Sometimes Prow and GitHub teams overlap without matching exactly. For
assignment of issues, pull requests, and to support PR approvals, the
automation uses information from OWNERS files.
OWNERS files and front-matter
The Kubernetes project uses an automation tool called prow for automation
related to GitHub issues and pull requests. The
Kubernetes website repository uses
two prow plugins:
These two plugins use the
files in the top level of the kubernetes/website GitHub repository to control
how prow works within the repository.
An OWNERS file contains a list of people who are SIG Docs reviewers and
approvers. OWNERS files can also exist in subdirectories, and can override who
can act as a reviewer or approver of files in that subdirectory and its
descendants. For more information about OWNERS files in general, see
In addition, an individual Markdown file can list reviewers and approvers in its
front-matter, either by listing individual GitHub usernames or GitHub groups.
The combination of OWNERS files and front-matter in Markdown files determines
the advice PR owners get from automated systems about who to ask for technical
and editorial review of their PR.
How merging works
When a pull request is merged to the branch used to publish content, that content is published to To ensure that
the quality of our published content is high, we limit merging pull requests to
SIG Docs approvers. Here's how it works.
When a pull request has both the lgtm and approve labels, has no hold
labels, and all tests are passing, the pull request merges automatically.
Kubernetes organization members and SIG Docs approvers can add comments to
prevent automatic merging of a given pull request (by adding a /hold comment
or withholding a /lgtm comment).
Any Kubernetes member can add the lgtm label by adding a /lgtm comment.
Only SIG Docs approvers can merge a pull request
by adding an /approve comment. Some approvers also perform additional
specific roles, such as PR Wrangler or
SIG Docs chairperson.
What's next
For more information about contributing to the Kubernetes documentation, see:
Anyone can contribute to Kubernetes. As your contributions to SIG Docs grow,
you can apply for different levels of membership in the community.
These roles allow you to take on more responsibility within the community.
Each role requires more time and commitment. The roles are:
Anyone: regular contributors to the Kubernetes documentation
Members: can assign and triage issues and provide non-binding review on pull requests
Reviewers: can lead reviews on documentation pull requests and can vouch for a change's quality
Approvers: can lead reviews on documentation and merge changes
Anyone with a GitHub account can contribute to Kubernetes. SIG Docs welcomes all new contributors!
Note: Don't send a direct email or Slack direct message to an individual
SIG Docs member. You must request sponsorship before submitting your application.
Open a GitHub issue in the
kubernetes/org repository. Use the
Organization Membership Request issue template.
Let your sponsors know about the GitHub issue. You can either:
Mention their GitHub username in an issue (@<GitHub-username>)
Send them the issue link using Slack or email.
Sponsors will approve your request with a +1 vote. Once your sponsors
approve the request, a Kubernetes GitHub admin adds you as a member.
If your membership request is not accepted you will receive feedback.
After addressing the feedback, apply again.
Accept the invitation to the Kubernetes GitHub organization in your email account.
Note: GitHub sends the invitation to the default email address in your account.
Reviewers are responsible for reviewing open pull requests. Unlike member
feedback, you must address reviewer feedback. Reviewers are members of the
GitHub team.
Note: To provide non-binding feedback, prefix your comments with a phrase like "Optionally: ".
Edit user-facing strings in code
Improve code comments
You can be a SIG Docs reviewer, or a reviewer for docs in a specific subject area.
Assigning reviewers to pull requests
Automation assigns reviewers to all pull requests. You can request a
review from a specific person by commenting: /assign [@_github_handle].
If the assigned reviewer has not commented on the PR, another reviewer can
step in. You can also assign technical reviewers as needed.
Using /lgtm
LGTM stands for "Looks good to me" and indicates that a pull request is
technically accurate and ready to merge. All PRs need a /lgtm comment from a
reviewer and a /approve comment from an approver to merge.
A /lgtm comment from reviewer is binding and triggers automation that adds the lgtm label.
Becoming a reviewer
When you meet the
you can become a SIG Docs reviewer. Reviewers in other SIGs must apply
separately for reviewer status in SIG Docs.
To apply:
Open a pull request that adds your GitHub user name to a section of the
in the kubernetes/website repository.
Note: If you aren't sure where to add yourself, add yourself to sig-docs-en-reviews.
Assign the PR to one or more SIG-Docs approvers (user names listed under
If approved, a SIG Docs lead adds you to the appropriate GitHub team. Once added,
assigns and suggests you as a reviewer on new pull requests.
Publish contributor content by approving and merging pull requests using the /approve comment
Propose improvements to the style guide
Propose improvements to docs tests
Propose improvements to the Kubernetes website or other tooling
If the PR already has a /lgtm, or if the approver also comments with
/lgtm, the PR merges automatically. A SIG Docs approver should only leave a
/lgtm on a change that doesn't need additional technical review.
Approving pull requests
Approvers and SIG Docs leads are the only ones who can merge pull requests
into the website repository. This comes with certain responsibilities.
Approvers can use the /approve command, which merges PRs into the repo.
Warning: A careless merge can break the site, so be sure that when you merge something, you mean it.
If you ever have a question, or you're not sure about something, feel free
to call for additional review.
Verify that Netlify tests pass before you /approve a PR.
Visit the Netlify page preview for a PR to make sure things look good before approving.
Participate in the
PR Wrangler rotation schedule
for weekly rotations. SIG Docs expects all approvers to participate in this
rotation. See PR wranglers.
for more details.
Becoming an approver
When you meet the
you can become a SIG Docs approver. Approvers in other SIGs must apply
separately for approver status in SIG Docs.
To apply:
Open a pull request adding yourself to a section of the
file in the kubernetes/website repository.
Note: If you aren't sure where to add yourself, add yourself to sig-docs-en-owners.
Assign the PR to one or more current SIG Docs approvers.
If approved, a SIG Docs lead adds you to the appropriate GitHub team. Once added,
assigns and suggests you as a reviewer on new pull requests.
What's next
Read about PR wrangling, a role all approvers take on rotation.
Use this script to remind contributors that haven't signed the CLA to do so.
Provide feedback on changes and ask for technical reviews from members of other SIGs.
Provide inline suggestions on the PR for the proposed content changes.
If you need to verify content, comment on the PR and request more details.
Assign relevant sig/ label(s).
If needed, assign reviewers from the reviewers: block in the file's front matter.
You can also tag a SIG for a review by commenting @kubernetes/<sig>-pr-reviews on the PR.
Use the /approve comment to approve a PR for merging. Merge the PR when ready.
PRs should have a /lgtm comment from another member before merging.
Consider accepting technically accurate content that doesn't meet the
style guidelines. As you approve the change,
open a new issue to address the style concern. You can usually write these style fix
issues as good first issues.
Using style fixups as good first issues is a good way to ensure a supply of easier tasks
to help onboard new contributors.
Helpful GitHub queries for wranglers
The following queries are helpful when wrangling.
After working through these queries, the remaining list of PRs to review is usually small.
These queries exclude localization PRs. All queries are against the main branch except the last one.
No CLA, not eligible to merge:
Remind the contributor to sign the CLA. If both the bot and a human have reminded them, close
the PR and remind them that they can open it after signing the CLA.
Do not review PRs whose authors have not signed the CLA!
Needs LGTM:
Lists PRs that need an LGTM from a member. If the PR needs technical review, loop in one of the reviewers suggested by the bot. If the content needs work, add suggestions and feedback in-line.
Quick Wins: Lists PRs against the main branch with no clear blockers. (change "XS" in the size label as you work through the PRs [XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL]).
Not against the primary branch: If the PR is against a dev- branch, it's for an upcoming release. Assign the docs release manager using: /assign @<manager's_github-username>. If the PR is against an old branch, help the author figure out whether it's targeted against the best branch.
Helpful Prow commands for wranglers
# add English label
/language en
# add squash label to PR if more than one commit
/label tide/merge-method-squash
# retitle a PR via Prow (such as a work-in-progress [WIP] or better detail of PR)
/retitle [WIP] <TITLE>
When to close Pull Requests
Reviews and approvals are one tool to keep our PR queue short and current. Another tool is closure.
Close PRs where:
The author hasn't signed the CLA for two weeks.
Authors can reopen the PR after signing the CLA. This is a low-risk way to make sure nothing gets merged without a signed CLA.
The author has not responded to comments or feedback in 2 or more weeks.
Don't be afraid to close pull requests. Contributors can easily reopen and resume works in progress. Often a closure notice is what spurs an author to resume and finish their contribution.
To close a pull request, leave a /close comment on the PR.
Note: The fejta-bot bot marks issues as stale after 90 days of inactivity. After 30 more days it marks issues as rotten and closes them. PR wranglers should close issues after 14-30 days of inactivity.
PR Wrangler shadow program
In late 2021, SIG Docs introduced the PR Wrangler Shadow Program. The program was introduced to help new contributors understand the PR wrangling process.
Become a shadow
If you are interested in shadowing as a PR wrangler, please visit the PR Wranglers Wiki page to see the PR wrangling schedule for this year and sign up.
Kubernetes org members can edit the PR Wranglers Wiki page and sign up to shadow an existing PR Wrangler for a week.
Others can reach out on the #sig-docs Slack channel for requesting to shadow an assigned PR Wrangler for a specific week. Feel free to reach out to Brad Topol (@bradtopol) or one of the SIG Docs co-chairs/leads.
Once you've signed up to shadow a PR Wrangler, introduce yourself to the PR Wrangler on the Kubernetes Slack.
6 - Documentation style overview
The topics in this section provide guidance on writing style, content formatting
and organization, and using Hugo customizations specific to Kubernetes
6.1 - Documentation Content Guide
This page contains guidelines for Kubernetes documentation.
If you have questions about what's allowed, join the #sig-docs channel in
Kubernetes Slack and ask!
For information on creating new content for the Kubernetes
docs, follow the style guide.
Source for the Kubernetes website, including the docs, resides in the
kubernetes/website repository.
Located in the kubernetes/website/content/<language_code>/docs folder, the
majority of Kubernetes documentation is specific to the Kubernetes
What's allowed
Kubernetes docs allow content for third-party projects only when:
Content documents software in the Kubernetes project
Content documents software that's out of project but necessary for Kubernetes to function
Content is canonical on, or links to canonical content elsewhere
Third party content
Kubernetes documentation includes applied examples of projects in the Kubernetes project—projects that live in the kubernetes and
kubernetes-sigs GitHub organizations.
Links to active content in the Kubernetes project are always allowed.
Kubernetes requires some third party content to function. Examples include container runtimes (containerd, CRI-O, Docker),
networking policy (CNI plugins), Ingress controllers, and logging.
Docs can link to third-party open source software (OSS) outside the Kubernetes project only if it's necessary for Kubernetes to function.
Dual sourced content
Wherever possible, Kubernetes docs link to canonical sources instead of hosting
dual-sourced content.
Dual-sourced content requires double the effort (or more!) to maintain
and grows stale more quickly.
Note: If you're a maintainer for a Kubernetes project and need help hosting your own docs,
ask for help in #sig-docs on Kubernetes Slack.
More information
If you have questions about allowed content, join the Kubernetes Slack #sig-docs channel and ask!
This page gives writing style guidelines for the Kubernetes documentation.
These are guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to
propose changes to this document in a pull request.
For additional information on creating new content for the Kubernetes
documentation, read the Documentation Content Guide.
Changes to the style guide are made by SIG Docs as a group. To propose a change
or addition, add it to the agenda for an upcoming SIG Docs meeting, and attend the meeting to participate in the
Note: Kubernetes documentation uses
Goldmark Markdown Renderer
with some adjustments along with a few
Hugo Shortcodes to support
glossary entries, tabs, and representing feature state.
Kubernetes documentation has been translated into multiple languages
(see Localization READMEs).
The English-language documentation uses U.S. English spelling and grammar.
Documentation formatting standards
Use upper camel case for API objects
When you refer specifically to interacting with an API object, use UpperCamelCase, also known as Pascal case. You may see different capitalization, such as "configMap", in the API Reference. When writing general documentation, it's better to use upper camel case, calling it "ConfigMap" instead.
You may use the word "resource", "API", or "object" to clarify a Kubernetes resource type in a sentence.
Don't split an API object name into separate words. For example, use PodTemplateList, not Pod Template List.
The following examples focus on capitalization. For more information about formatting API object names, review the related guidance on Code Style.
Do and Don't - Use Pascal case for API objects
The HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource is responsible for ...
The Horizontal pod autoscaler is responsible for ...
A PodList object is a list of pods.
A Pod List object is a list of pods.
The Volume object contains a hostPath field.
The volume object contains a hostPath field.
Every ConfigMap object is part of a namespace.
Every configMap object is part of a namespace.
For managing confidential data, consider using the Secret API.
For managing confidential data, consider using the secret API.
Use angle brackets for placeholders
Use angle brackets for placeholders. Tell the reader what a placeholder
represents, for example:
Display information about a pod:
kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n <namespace>
If the namespace of the pod is default, you can omit the '-n' parameter.
Use bold for user interface elements
Do and Don't - Bold interface elements
Click Fork.
Click "Fork".
Select Other.
Select "Other".
Use italics to define or introduce new terms
Do and Don't - Use italics for new terms
A cluster is a set of nodes ...
A "cluster" is a set of nodes ...
These components form the control plane.
These components form the control plane.
Use code style for filenames, directories, and paths
Do and Don't - Use code style for filenames, directories, and paths
Open the envars.yaml file.
Open the envars.yaml file.
Go to the /docs/tutorials directory.
Go to the /docs/tutorials directory.
Open the /_data/concepts.yaml file.
Open the /_data/concepts.yaml file.
Use the international standard for punctuation inside quotes
Do and Don't - Use the international standard for punctuation inside quotes
events are recorded with an associated "stage".
events are recorded with an associated "stage."
The copy is called a "fork".
The copy is called a "fork."
Inline code formatting
Use code style for inline code, commands, and API objects
For inline code in an HTML document, use the <code> tag. In a Markdown
document, use the backtick (`).
Do and Don't - Use code style for inline code, commands, and API objects
The kubectl run command creates a Pod.
The "kubectl run" command creates a pod.
The kubelet on each node acquires a Lease…
The kubelet on each node acquires a lease…
A PersistentVolume represents durable storage…
A Persistent Volume represents durable storage…
For declarative management, use kubectl apply.
For declarative management, use "kubectl apply".
Enclose code samples with triple backticks. (```)
Enclose code samples with any other syntax.
Use single backticks to enclose inline code. For example, var example = true.
Use two asterisks (**) or an underscore (_) to enclose inline code. For example, var example = true.
Use triple backticks before and after a multi-line block of code for fenced code blocks.
Use multi-line blocks of code to create diagrams, flowcharts, or other illustrations.
Use meaningful variable names that have a context.
Use variable names such as 'foo','bar', and 'baz' that are not meaningful and lack context.
Remove trailing spaces in the code.
Add trailing spaces in the code, where these are important, because the screen reader will read out the spaces as well.
Note: The website supports syntax highlighting for code samples, but specifying a language is optional. Syntax highlighting in the code block should conform to the contrast guidelines.
Use code style for object field names and namespaces
Do and Don't - Use code style for object field names
Set the value of the replicas field in the configuration file.
Set the value of the "replicas" field in the configuration file.
The value of the exec field is an ExecAction object.
The value of the "exec" field is an ExecAction object.
Run the process as a DaemonSet in the kube-system namespace.
Run the process as a DaemonSet in the kube-system namespace.
Use code style for Kubernetes command tool and component names
Do and Don't - Use code style for Kubernetes command tool and component names
The kubelet preserves node stability.
The kubelet preserves node stability.
The kubectl handles locating and authenticating to the API server.
The kubectl handles locating and authenticating to the apiserver.
Run the process with the certificate, kube-apiserver --client-ca-file=FILENAME.
Run the process with the certificate, kube-apiserver --client-ca-file=FILENAME.
Starting a sentence with a component tool or component name
Do and Don't - Starting a sentence with a component tool or component name
The kubeadm tool bootstraps and provisions machines in a cluster.
kubeadm tool bootstraps and provisions machines in a cluster.
The kube-scheduler is the default scheduler for Kubernetes.
kube-scheduler is the default scheduler for Kubernetes.
Use a general descriptor over a component name
Do and Don't - Use a general descriptor over a component name
The Kubernetes API server offers an OpenAPI spec.
The apiserver offers an OpenAPI spec.
Aggregated APIs are subordinate API servers.
Aggregated APIs are subordinate APIServers.
Use normal style for string and integer field values
For field values of type string or integer, use normal style without quotation marks.
Do and Don't - Use normal style for string and integer field values
Set the value of imagePullPolicy to Always.
Set the value of imagePullPolicy to "Always".
Set the value of image to nginx:1.16.
Set the value of image to nginx:1.16.
Set the value of the replicas field to 2.
Set the value of the replicas field to 2.
Code snippet formatting
Don't include the command prompt
Do and Don't - Don't include the command prompt
kubectl get pods
$ kubectl get pods
Separate commands from output
Verify that the pod is running on your chosen node:
kubectl get pods --output=wide
The output is similar to this:
nginx 1/1 Running 0 13s worker0
Versioning Kubernetes examples
Code examples and configuration examples that include version information should be consistent with the accompanying text.
If the information is version specific, the Kubernetes version needs to be defined in the prerequisites section of the Task template or the Tutorial template. Once the page is saved, the prerequisites section is shown as Before you begin.
To specify the Kubernetes version for a task or tutorial page, include min-kubernetes-server-version in the front matter of the page.
If the example YAML is in a standalone file, find and review the topics that include it as a reference.
Verify that any topics using the standalone YAML have the appropriate version information defined.
If a stand-alone YAML file is not referenced from any topics, consider deleting it instead of updating it.
For example, if you are writing a tutorial that is relevant to Kubernetes version 1.8, the front-matter of your markdown file should look something like:
---title:<your tutorial title here>min-kubernetes-server-version:v1.8---
In code and configuration examples, do not include comments about alternative versions.
Be careful to not include incorrect statements in your examples as comments, such as:
apiVersion:v1# earlier versions use...kind:Pod... word list
A list of Kubernetes-specific terms and words to be used consistently across the site. word list
Kubernetes should always be capitalized.
Docker should always be capitalized.
SIG Docs
SIG Docs rather than SIG-DOCS or other variations.
On-premises or On-prem rather than On-premise or other variations.
Hugo Shortcodes help create different rhetorical appeal levels. Our documentation supports three different shortcodes in this category: Note{{< note >}}, Caution{{< caution >}}, and Warning{{< warning >}}.
Surround the text with an opening and closing shortcode.
Use the following syntax to apply a style:
{{< note >}}
No need to include a prefix; the shortcode automatically provides one. (Note:, Caution:, etc.)
{{< /note >}}
The output is:
Note: The prefix you choose is the same text for the tag.
Use {{< note >}} to highlight a tip or a piece of information that may be helpful to know.
For example:
{{< note >}}
You can _still_ use Markdown inside these callouts.
{{< /note >}}
The output is:
Note: You can still use Markdown inside these callouts.
You can use a {{< note >}} in a list:
1. Use the note shortcode in a list
1. A second item with an embedded note
{{< note >}}
Warning, Caution, and Note shortcodes, embedded in lists, need to be indented four spaces. See [Common Shortcode Issues](#common-shortcode-issues).
{{< /note >}}
1. A third item in a list
1. A fourth item in a list
The output is:
Use the note shortcode in a list
A second item with an embedded note
Note: Warning, Caution, and Note shortcodes, embedded in lists, need to be indented four spaces. See Common Shortcode Issues.
A third item in a list
A fourth item in a list
Use {{< caution >}} to call attention to an important piece of information to avoid pitfalls.
For example:
{{< caution >}}
The callout style only applies to the line directly above the tag.
{{< /caution >}}
The output is:
Caution: The callout style only applies to the line directly above the tag.
Use {{< warning >}} to indicate danger or a piece of information that is crucial to follow.
For example:
{{< warning >}}
{{< /warning >}}
The output is:
Warning: Beware.
Katacoda Embedded Live Environment
This button lets users run Minikube in their browser using the Katacoda Terminal.
It lowers the barrier of entry by allowing users to use Minikube with one click instead of going through the complete
Minikube and Kubectl installation process locally.
The Embedded Live Environment is configured to run minikube start and lets users complete tutorials in the same window
as the documentation.
Caution: The session is limited to 15 minutes.
For example:
{{< kat-button >}}
The output is:
Common Shortcode Issues
Ordered Lists
Shortcodes will interrupt numbered lists unless you indent four spaces before the notice and the tag.
For example:
1. Preheat oven to 350˚F
1. Prepare the batter, and pour into springform pan.
`{{< note >}}Grease the pan for best results.{{< /note >}}`
1. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until set.
The output is:
Preheat oven to 350˚F
Prepare the batter, and pour into springform pan.
Note: Grease the pan for best results.
Bake for 20-25 minutes or until set.
Include Statements
Shortcodes inside include statements will break the build. You must insert them in the parent document, before and after you call the include. For example:
{{< note >}}
{{< include "" >}}
{{< /note >}}
Markdown elements
Line breaks
Use a single newline to separate block-level content like headings, lists, images, code blocks, and others. The exception is second-level headings, where it should be two newlines. Second-level headings follow the first-level (or the title) without any preceding paragraphs or texts. A two line spacing helps visualize the overall structure of content in a code editor better.
People accessing this documentation may use a screen reader or other assistive technology (AT). Screen readers are linear output devices, they output items on a page one at a time. If there is a lot of content on a page, you can use headings to give the page an internal structure. A good page structure helps all readers to easily navigate the page or filter topics of interest.
Do and Don't - Headings
Update the title in the front matter of the page or blog post.
Use first level heading, as Hugo automatically converts the title in the front matter of the page into a first-level heading.
Use ordered headings to provide a meaningful high-level outline of your content.
Use headings level 4 through 6, unless it is absolutely necessary. If your content is that detailed, it may need to be broken into separate articles.
Use pound or hash signs (#) for non-blog post content.
Use underlines (--- or ===) to designate first-level headings.
Use sentence case for headings. For example, Extend kubectl with plugins
Use title case for headings. For example, Extend Kubectl With Plugins
Do and Don't - Paragraphs
Try to keep paragraphs under 6 sentences.
Indent the first paragraph with space characters. For example, ⋅⋅⋅Three spaces before a paragraph will indent it.
Use three hyphens (---) to create a horizontal rule. Use horizontal rules for breaks in paragraph content. For example, a change of scene in a story, or a shift of topic within a section.
Use horizontal rules for decoration.
Do and Don't - Links
Write hyperlinks that give you context for the content they link to. For example: Certain ports are open on your machines. See Check required ports for more details.
Use ambiguous terms such as "click here". For example: Certain ports are open on your machines. See here for more details.
Write Markdown-style links: [link text](URL). For example: [Hugo shortcodes](/docs/contribute/style/hugo-shortcodes/#table-captions) and the output is Hugo shortcodes.
Write HTML-style links: <a href="/media/examples/link-element-example.css" target="_blank">Visit our tutorial!</a>, or create links that open in new tabs or windows. For example: [example website]({target="_blank"}
Group items in a list that are related to each other and need to appear in a specific order or to indicate a correlation between multiple items. When a screen reader comes across a list—whether it is an ordered or unordered list—it will be announced to the user that there is a group of list items. The user can then use the arrow keys to move up and down between the various items in the list.
Website navigation links can also be marked up as list items; after all they are nothing but a group of related links.
End each item in a list with a period if one or more items in the list are complete sentences. For the sake of consistency, normally either all items or none should be complete sentences.
Note: Ordered lists that are part of an incomplete introductory sentence can be in lowercase and punctuated as if each item was a part of the introductory sentence.
Use the number one (1.) for ordered lists.
Use (+), (*), or (-) for unordered lists.
Leave a blank line after each list.
Indent nested lists with four spaces (for example, ⋅⋅⋅⋅).
List items may consist of multiple paragraphs. Each subsequent paragraph in a list item must be indented by either four spaces or one tab.
The semantic purpose of a data table is to present tabular data. Sighted users can quickly scan the table but a screen reader goes through line by line. A table caption is used to create a descriptive title for a data table. Assistive technologies (AT) use the HTML table caption element to identify the table contents to the user within the page structure.
This section contains suggested best practices for clear, concise, and consistent content.
Use present tense
Do and Don't - Use present tense
This command starts a proxy.
This command will start a proxy.
Exception: Use future or past tense if it is required to convey the correct
Use active voice
Do and Don't - Use active voice
You can explore the API using a browser.
The API can be explored using a browser.
The YAML file specifies the replica count.
The replica count is specified in the YAML file.
Exception: Use passive voice if active voice leads to an awkward construction.
Use simple and direct language
Use simple and direct language. Avoid using unnecessary phrases, such as saying "please."
Do and Don't - Use simple and direct language
To create a ReplicaSet, ...
In order to create a ReplicaSet, ...
See the configuration file.
Please see the configuration file.
View the pods.
With this next command, we'll view the pods.
Address the reader as "you"
Do and Don't - Addressing the reader
You can create a Deployment by ...
We'll create a Deployment by ...
In the preceding output, you can see...
In the preceding output, we can see ...
Avoid Latin phrases
Prefer English terms over Latin abbreviations.
Do and Don't - Avoid Latin phrases
For example, ...
e.g., ...
That is, ...
i.e., ...
Exception: Use "etc." for et cetera.
Patterns to avoid
Avoid using "we"
Using "we" in a sentence can be confusing, because the reader might not know
whether they're part of the "we" you're describing.
Do and Don't - Patterns to avoid
Version 1.4 includes ...
In version 1.4, we have added ...
Kubernetes provides a new feature for ...
We provide a new feature ...
This page teaches you how to use pods.
In this page, we are going to learn about pods.
Avoid jargon and idioms
Some readers speak English as a second language. Avoid jargon and idioms to help them understand better.
Do and Don't - Avoid jargon and idioms
Internally, ...
Under the hood, ...
Create a new cluster.
Turn up a new cluster.
Avoid statements about the future
Avoid making promises or giving hints about the future. If you need to talk about
an alpha feature, put the text under a heading that identifies it as alpha
An exception to this rule is documentation about announced deprecations
targeting removal in future versions. One example of documentation like this
is the Deprecated API migration guide.
Avoid statements that will soon be out of date
Avoid words like "currently" and "new." A feature that is new today might not be
considered new in a few months.
Do and Don't - Avoid statements that will soon be out of date
In version 1.4, ...
In the current version, ...
The Federation feature provides ...
The new Federation feature provides ...
Avoid words that assume a specific level of understanding
Avoid words such as "just", "simply", "easy", "easily", or "simple". These words do not add value.
This guide shows you how to create, edit and share diagrams using the Mermaid
JavaScript library. Mermaid.js allows you to generate diagrams using a simple
markdown-like syntax inside Markdown files. You can also use Mermaid to
generate .svg or .png image files that you can add to your documentation.
The target audience for this guide is anybody wishing to learn about Mermaid
and/or how to create and add diagrams to Kubernetes documentation.
Figure 1 outlines the topics covered in this section.
flowchart LR
subgraph m[Mermaid.js]
direction TB
S[ ]-.-
C[build diagrams with markdown] -->
D[on-line live editor]
A[Why are diagrams useful?] --> m
m --> N[3 x methods for creating diagrams]
N --> T[Examples]
T --> X[Styling and captions]
X --> V[Tips]
classDef box fill:#fff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
classDef spacewhite fill:#ffffff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:0px,color:#000
class A,C,D,N,X,m,T,V box
class S spacewhite
%% you can hyperlink Mermaid diagram nodes to a URL using click statements
click A "" _blank
click C "" _blank
click D "" _blank
click N "" _blank
click T "" _blank
click X "" _blank
click V "" _blank
Figure 1. Topics covered in this section.
All you need to begin working with Mermaid is the following:
Note: You can click on each diagram in this section to view the code and rendered
diagram in the Mermaid live editor.
Why you should use diagrams in documentation
Diagrams improve documentation clarity and comprehension. There are advantages for both the user and the contributor.
The user benefits include:
Friendly landing spot. A detailed text-only greeting page could
intimidate users, in particular, first-time Kubernetes users.
Faster grasp of concepts. A diagram can help users understand the key
points of a complex topic. Your diagram can serve as a visual learning guide
to dive into the topic details.
Better retention. For some, it is easier to recall pictures rather than text.
The contributor benefits include:
Assist in developing the structure and content of your contribution. For
example, you can start with a simple diagram covering the high-level points
and then dive into details.
Expand and grow the user community. Easily consumed documentation
augmented with diagrams attracts new users who might previously have been
reluctant to engage due to perceived complexities.
You should consider your target audience. In addition to experienced K8s
users, you will have many who are new to Kubernetes. Even a simple diagram can
assist new users in absorbing Kubernetes concepts. They become emboldened and
more confident to further explore Kubernetes and the documentation.
Mermaid is an open source
JavaScript library that allows you to create, edit and easily share diagrams
using a simple, markdown-like syntax configured inline in Markdown files.
The following lists features of Mermaid:
Simple code syntax.
Includes a web-based tool allowing you to code and preview your diagrams.
Supports multiple formats including flowchart, state and sequence.
Easy collaboration with colleagues by sharing a per-diagram URL.
Broad selection of shapes, lines, themes and styling.
The following lists advantages of using Mermaid:
No need for separate, non-Mermaid diagram tools.
Adheres to existing PR workflow. You can think of Mermaid code as just
Markdown text included in your PR.
Simple tool builds simple diagrams. You don't want to get bogged down
(re)crafting an overly complex and detailed picture. Keep it simple!
Mermaid provides a simple, open and transparent method for the SIG communities
to add, edit and collaborate on diagrams for new or existing documentation.
Note: You can still use Mermaid to create/edit diagrams even if it's not supported
in your environment. This method is called Mermaid+SVG and is explained
Live editor
The Mermaid live editor is
a web-based tool that enables you to create, edit and review diagrams.
The following lists live editor functions:
Displays Mermaid code and rendered diagram.
Generates a URL for each saved diagram. The URL is displayed in the URL
field of your browser. You can share the URL with colleagues who can access
and modify the diagram.
Option to download .svg or .png files.
Note: The live editor is the easiest and fastest way to create and edit Mermaid diagrams.
Methods for creating diagrams
Figure 2 outlines the three methods to generate and add diagrams.
graph TB
Mermaid code added to .md file]
Add mermaid-generated svg file to .md file]
D[External tool
Add external-tool- generated svg file to .md file]
A --> B
A --> C
A --> D
classDef box fill:#fff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
class A,B,C,D box
%% you can hyperlink Mermaid diagram nodes to a URL using click statements
click A "" _blank
click B "" _blank
click C "" _blank
click D "" _blank
Figure 2. Methods to create diagrams.
Figure 3 outlines the steps to follow for adding a diagram using the Inline
graph LR
A[1. Use live editor to create/edit diagram] -->
B[2. Store diagram URL somewhere] -->
C[3. Copy Mermaid code to page markdown file] -->
D[4. Add caption]
classDef box fill:#fff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
class A,B,C,D box
%% you can hyperlink Mermaid diagram nodes to a URL using click statements
click A "" _blank
click B "" _blank
click C "" _blank
click D "" _blank
Figure 3. Inline Method steps.
The following lists the steps you should follow for adding a diagram using the Inline method:
Create your diagram using the live editor.
Store the diagram URL somewhere for later access.
Copy the mermaid code to the location in your .md file where you want the diagram to appear.
Add a caption below the diagram using Markdown text.
A Hugo build runs the Mermaid code and turns it into a diagram.
Note: You may find keeping track of diagram URLs is cumbersome. If so, make a note
in the .md file that the Mermaid code is self-documenting. Contributors can
copy the Mermaid code to and from the live editor for diagram edits.
Here is a sample code snippet contained in an .md file:
title: My PR
Figure 17 shows a simple A to B process.
some markdown text
{{< mermaid >}}
graph TB
A --> B
{{< /mermaid >}}
Figure 17. A to B
more text
Note: You must include the {{< mermaid >}}, {{< /mermaid >}} shortcode
tags at the start and end of the Mermaid code block. You should add a diagram
caption below the diagram.
The following lists advantages of the Inline method:
Live editor tool.
Easy to copy Mermaid code to and from the live editor and your .md file.
No need for separate .svg image file handling.
Content text, diagram code and diagram caption contained in the same .md file.
You should use the local
and Netlify previews to verify the diagram is properly rendered.
Caution: The Mermaid live editor feature set may not support the K8s/website Mermaid feature set.
You might see a syntax error or a blank screen after the Hugo build.
If that is the case, consider using the Mermaid+SVG method.
Figure 4 outlines the steps to follow for adding a diagram using the Mermaid+SVG method.
flowchart LR
A[1. Use live editor to create/edit diagram]
B[2. Store diagram URL somewhere]
C[3. Generate .svg file and download to images/ folder]
subgraph w[ ]
direction TB
D[4. Use figure shortcode to reference .svg file in page .md file] -->
E[5. Add caption]
A --> B
B --> C
C --> w
classDef box fill:#fff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
class A,B,C,D,E,w box
click A "" _blank
click B "" _blank
click C "" _blank
click D "" _blank
click E "" _blank
Figure 4. Mermaid+SVG method steps.
The following lists the steps you should follow for adding a diagram using the Mermaid+SVG method:
Create your diagram using the live editor.
Store the diagram URL somewhere for later access.
Generate an .svg image file for the diagram and download it to the appropriate images/ folder.
Use the {{< figure >}} shortcode to reference the diagram in the .md file.
Add a caption using the {{< figure >}} shortcode's caption parameter.
For example, use the live editor to create a diagram called boxnet.
Store the diagram URL somewhere for later access. Generate and download a
boxnet.svg file to the appropriate ../images/ folder.
Use the {{< figure >}} shortcode in your PR's .md file to reference
the .svg image file and add a caption.
Note: The {{< figure >}} shortcode is the preferred method for adding .svg image files
to your documentation. You can also use the standard markdown image syntax like so:
And you will need to add a caption below the diagram.
You should add the live editor URL as a comment block in the .svg image file using a text editor.
For example, you would include the following at the beginning of the .svg image file:
<!-- To view or edit the mermaid code, use the following URL: -->
<!-- ... <remainder of the URL> -->
The following lists advantages of the Mermaid+SVG method:
Live editor tool.
Live editor tool supports the most current Mermaid feature set.
Employ existing K8s/website methods for handling .svg image files.
Environment doesn't require Mermaid support.
Be sure to check that your diagram renders properly using the
and Netlify previews.
External tool
Figure 5 outlines the steps to follow for adding a diagram using the External Tool method.
First, use your external tool to create the diagram and save it as an .svg
or .png image file. After that, use the same steps as the Mermaid+SVG
method for adding .svg image files.
flowchart LR
A[1. Use external tool to create/edit diagram]
B[2. If possible, save diagram coordinates for contributor access]
C[3. Generate .svg or.png file and download to appropriate images/ folder]
subgraph w[ ]
direction TB
D[4. Use figure shortcode to reference svg or png file in page .md file] -->
E[5. Add caption]
A --> B
B --> C
C --> w
classDef box fill:#fff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
class A,B,C,D,E,w box
click A ""
click B ""
click C ""
click D ""
click E ""
Figure 5. External Tool method steps
The following lists the steps you should follow for adding a diagram using the External Tool method:
Use your external tool to create a diagram.
Save the diagram coordinates for contributor access. For example, your tool
may offer a link to the diagram image, or you could place the source code
file, such as an .xml file, in a public repository for later contributor access.
Generate and save the diagram as an .svg or .png image file.
Download this file to the appropriate ../images/ folder.
Use the {{< figure >}} shortcode to reference the diagram in the .md file.
Add a caption using the {{< figure >}} shortcode's caption parameter.
Here is the {{< figure >}} shortcode for the images/apple.svg diagram:
{{< figure src="/static/images/apple.svg" alt="red-apple-figure" class="diagram-large" caption="Figure 9. A Big Red Apple" >}}
If your external drawing tool permits:
You can incorporate multiple .svg or .png logos, icons and images into your diagram.
However, make sure you observe copyright and follow the Kubernetes documentation
guidelines on the use of third party content.
You should save the diagram source coordinates for later contributor access.
For example, your tool may offer a link to the diagram image, or you could
place the source code file, such as an .xml file, somewhere for contributor access.
For more information on K8s and CNCF logos and images, check out
CNCF Artwork.
The following lists advantages of the External Tool method:
Contributor familiarity with external tool.
Diagrams require more detail than what Mermaid can offer.
Don't forget to check that your diagram renders correctly using the
local and Netlify previews.
This section shows several examples of Mermaid diagrams.
Note: The code block examples omit the Hugo {{< mermaid >}}, {{< /mermaid >}}
shortcode tags. This allows you to copy the code block into the live editor
to experiment on your own.
Note that the live editor doesn't recognize Hugo shortcodes.
graph LR;
client([client])-. Ingress-managed <br> load balancer .->ingress[Ingress];
ingress-->|routing rule|service[Service];
subgraph cluster
classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:4px,color:#000;
classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff;
classDef cluster fill:#fff,stroke:#bbb,stroke-width:2px,color:#326ce5;
class ingress,service,pod1,pod2 k8s;
class client plain;
class cluster cluster;
Example 3 - K8s system flow
Figure 8 depicts a Mermaid sequence diagram showing the system flow between
K8s components to start a container.
Figure 8. K8s system flow diagram
Code block:
actor me
participant apiSrv as control plane<br><br>api-server
participant etcd as control plane<br><br>etcd datastore
participant cntrlMgr as control plane<br><br>controller<br>manager
participant sched as control plane<br><br>scheduler
participant kubelet as node<br><br>kubelet
participant container as node<br><br>container<br>runtime
me->>apiSrv: 1. kubectl create -f pod.yaml
apiSrv-->>etcd: 2. save new state
cntrlMgr->>apiSrv: 3. check for changes
sched->>apiSrv: 4. watch for unassigned pods(s)
apiSrv->>sched: 5. notify about pod w nodename=" "
sched->>apiSrv: 6. assign pod to node
apiSrv-->>etcd: 7. save new state
kubelet->>apiSrv: 8. look for newly assigned pod(s)
apiSrv->>kubelet: 9. bind pod to node
kubelet->>container: 10. start container
kubelet->>apiSrv: 11. update pod status
apiSrv-->>etcd: 12. save new state
How to style diagrams
You can style one or more diagram elements using well-known CSS nomenclature.
You accomplish this using two types of statements in the Mermaid code.
classDef defines a class of style attributes.
class defines one or more elements to apply the class to.
In the code for
figure 7,
you can see examples of both.
classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff; // defines style for the k8s class
class ingress,service,pod1,pod2 k8s; // k8s class is applied to elements ingress, service, pod1 and pod2.
You can include one or multiple classDef and class statements in your diagram.
You can also use the official K8s #326ce5 hex color code for K8s components in your diagram.
A caption is a brief description of a diagram. A title or a short description
of the diagram are examples of captions. Captions aren't meant to replace
explanatory text you have in your documentation. Rather, they serve as a
"context link" between that text and your diagram.
The combination of some text and a diagram tied together with a caption help
provide a concise representation of the information you wish to convey to the
Without captions, you are asking the user to scan the text above or below the
diagram to figure out a meaning. This can be frustrating for the user.
Figure 9 lays out the three components for proper captioning: diagram, diagram
caption and the diagram referral.
Inline Mermaid or SVG image files]
B[Diagram Caption
Add Figure Number. and Caption Text]
C[Diagram Referral
Referenence Figure Number in text]
classDef box fill:#fff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
class A,B,C box
click A "" _blank
click B "" _blank
click C "" _blank
Figure 9. Caption Components.
Note: You should always add a caption to each diagram in your documentation.
The Mermaid+SVG and External Tool methods generate .svg image files.
Here is the {{< figure >}} shortcode for the diagram defined in an
.svg image file saved to /images/docs/components-of-kubernetes.svg:
{{< figure src="/images/docs/components-of-kubernetes.svg" alt="Kubernetes pod running inside a cluster" class="diagram-large" caption="Figure 4. Kubernetes Architecture Components >}}
You should pass the src, alt, class and caption values into the
{{< figure >}} shortcode. You can adjust the size of the diagram using
diagram-large, diagram-medium and diagram-small classes.
Note: Diagrams created using the Inline method don't use the {{< figure >}}
shortcode. The Mermaid code defines how the diagram will render on your page.
If you define your diagram in an .svg image file, then you should use the
{{< figure >}} shortcode's caption parameter.
{{< figure src="/images/docs/components-of-kubernetes.svg" alt="Kubernetes pod running inside a cluster" class="diagram-large" caption="Figure 4. Kubernetes Architecture Components" >}}
If you define your diagram using inline Mermaid code, then you should use Markdown text.
Figure 4. Kubernetes Architecture Components
The following lists several items to consider when adding diagram captions:
Use the {{< figure >}} shortcode to add a diagram caption for Mermaid+SVG
and External Tool diagrams.
Use simple Markdown text to add a diagram caption for the Inline method.
Prepend your diagram caption with Figure NUMBER.. You must use Figure
and the number must be unique for each diagram in your documentation page.
Add a period after the number.
Add your diagram caption text after the Figure NUMBER. on the same line.
You must puncuate the caption with a period. Keep the caption text short.
Position your diagram caption BELOW your diagram.
Diagram Referral
Finally, you can add a diagram referral. This is used inside your text and
should precede the diagram itself. It allows a user to connect your text with
the associated diagram. The Figure NUMBER in your referral and caption must
You should avoid using spatial references such as ..the image below.. or
..the following figure ..
Here is an example of a diagram referral:
Figure 10 depicts the components of the Kubernetes architecture.
The control plane ...
Diagram referrals are optional and there are cases where they might not be
suitable. If you are not sure, add a diagram referral to your text to see if
it looks and sounds okay. When in doubt, use a diagram referral.
Complete picture
Figure 10 shows the Kubernetes Architecture diagram that includes the diagram,
diagram caption and diagram referral. The {{< figure >}} shortcode
renders the diagram, adds the caption and includes the optional link
parameter so you can hyperlink the diagram. The diagram referral is contained
in this paragraph.
Here is the {{< figure >}} shortcode for this diagram:
{{< figure src="/images/docs/components-of-kubernetes.svg" alt="Kubernetes pod running inside a cluster" class="diagram-large" caption="Figure 10. Kubernetes Architecture." link="" >}}
Figure 10. Kubernetes Architecture.
Always use the live editor to create/edit your diagram.
Always use Hugo local and Netlify previews to check out how the diagram
appears in the documentation.
Include diagram source pointers such as a URL, source code location, or
indicate the code is self-documenting.
Always use diagram captions.
Very helpful to include the diagram .svg or .png image and/or Mermaid
source code in issues and PRs.
With the Mermaid+SVG and External Tool methods, use .svg image files
because they stay sharp when you zoom in on the diagram.
Best practice for .svg files is to load it into an SVG editing tool and use the
"Convert text to paths" function.
This ensures that the diagram renders the same on all systems, regardless of font
availability and font rendering support.
No Mermaid support for additional icons or artwork.
Hugo Mermaid shortcodes don't work in the live editor.
Any time you modify a diagram in the live editor, you must save it
to generate a new URL for the diagram.
Click on the diagrams in this section to view the code and diagram rendering
in the live editor.
Look over the source code of this page,, for more examples.
Check out the Mermaid docs
for explanations and examples.
Most important, Keep Diagrams Simple.
This will save time for you and fellow contributors, and allow for easier reading
by new and experienced users.
6.4 - Writing a new topic
This page shows how to create a new topic for the Kubernetes docs.
Before you begin
Create a fork of the Kubernetes documentation repository as described in
Open a PR.
Choosing a page type
As you prepare to write a new topic, think about the page type that would fit your content the best:
Guidelines for choosing a page type
A concept page explains some aspect of Kubernetes. For example, a concept page might describe the Kubernetes Deployment object and explain the role it plays as an application while it is deployed, scaled, and updated. Typically, concept pages don't include sequences of steps, but instead provide links to tasks or tutorials. For an example of a concept topic, see Nodes.
A task page shows how to do a single thing. The idea is to give readers a sequence of steps that they can actually do as they read the page. A task page can be short or long, provided it stays focused on one area. In a task page, it is OK to blend brief explanations with the steps to be performed, but if you need to provide a lengthy explanation, you should do that in a concept topic. Related task and concept topics should link to each other. For an example of a short task page, see Configure a Pod to Use a Volume for Storage. For an example of a longer task page, see Configure Liveness and Readiness Probes
A tutorial page shows how to accomplish a goal that ties together several Kubernetes features. A tutorial might provide several sequences of steps that readers can actually do as they read the page. Or it might provide explanations of related pieces of code. For example, a tutorial could provide a walkthrough of a code sample. A tutorial can include brief explanations of the Kubernetes features that are being tied together, but should link to related concept topics for deep explanations of individual features.
Creating a new page
Use a content type for each new page
that you write. The docs site provides templates or
Hugo archetypes to create
new content pages. To create a new type of page, run hugo new with the path to the file
you want to create. For example:
hugo new docs/concepts/
Choosing a title and filename
Choose a title that has the keywords you want search engines to find.
Create a filename that uses the words in your title separated by hyphens.
For example, the topic with title
Using an HTTP Proxy to Access the Kubernetes API
has filename You don't need to put
"kubernetes" in the filename, because "kubernetes" is already in the
URL for the topic, for example:
In your topic, put a title field in the
front matter.
The front matter is the YAML block that is between the
triple-dashed lines at the top of the page. Here's an example:
title: Using an HTTP Proxy to Access the Kubernetes API
Choosing a directory
Depending on your page type, put your new file in a subdirectory of one of these:
You can put your file in an existing subdirectory, or you can create a new
Placing your topic in the table of contents
The table of contents is built dynamically using the directory structure of the
documentation source. The top-level directories under /content/en/docs/ create
top-level navigation, and subdirectories each have entries in the table of
Each subdirectory has a file, which represents the "home" page for
a given subdirectory's content. The does not need a template. It
can contain overview content about the topics in the subdirectory.
Other files in a directory are sorted alphabetically by default. This is almost
never the best order. To control the relative sorting of topics in a
subdirectory, set the weight: front-matter key to an integer. Typically, we
use multiples of 10, to account for adding topics later. For instance, a topic
with weight 10 will come before one with weight 20.
Embedding code in your topic
If you want to include some code in your topic, you can embed the code in your
file directly using the markdown code block syntax. This is recommended for the
following cases (not an exhaustive list):
The code shows the output from a command such as
kubectl get deploy mydeployment -o json | jq '.status'.
The code is not generic enough for users to try out. As an example, you can
embed the YAML
file for creating a Pod which depends on a specific
FlexVolume implementation.
The code is an incomplete example because its purpose is to highlight a
portion of a larger file. For example, when describing ways to
customize the PodSecurityPolicy
for some reasons, you can provide a short snippet directly in your topic file.
The code is not meant for users to try out due to other reasons. For example,
when describing how a new attribute should be added to a resource using the
kubectl edit command, you can provide a short example that includes only
the attribute to add.
Including code from another file
Another way to include code in your topic is to create a new, complete sample
file (or group of sample files) and then reference the sample from your topic.
Use this method to include sample YAML files when the sample is generic and
reusable, and you want the reader to try it out themselves.
When adding a new standalone sample file, such as a YAML file, place the code in
one of the <LANG>/examples/ subdirectories where <LANG> is the language for
the topic. In your topic file, use the codenew shortcode:
{{< codenew file="<RELPATH>/my-example-yaml>" >}}
where <RELPATH> is the path to the file to include, relative to the
examples directory. The following Hugo shortcode references a YAML
file located at /content/en/examples/pods/storage/gce-volume.yaml.
Note: To show raw Hugo shortcodes as in the above example and prevent Hugo
from interpreting them, use C-style comments directly after the < and before
the > characters. View the code for this page for an example.
Showing how to create an API object from a configuration file
If you need to demonstrate how to create an API object based on a
configuration file, place the configuration file in one of the subdirectories
under <LANG>/examples.
Note: When adding new YAML files to the <LANG>/examples directory, make
sure the file is also included into the <LANG>/examples_test.go file. The
Travis CI for the Website automatically runs this test case when PRs are
submitted to ensure all examples pass the tests.
The Kubernetes documentation follows several types of page content:
Content sections
Each page content type contains a number of sections defined by
Markdown comments and HTML headings. You can add content headings to
your page with the heading shortcode. The comments and headings help
maintain the structure of the page content types.
Examples of Markdown comments defining page content sections:
<!-- overview -->
<!-- body -->
To create common headings in your content pages, use the heading shortcode with
a heading string.
Examples of heading strings:
For example, to create a whatsnext heading, add the heading shortcode with the "whatsnext" string:
## {{% heading "whatsnext" %}}
You can declare a prerequisites heading as follows:
## {{% heading "prerequisites" %}}
The heading shortcode expects one string parameter.
The heading string parameter matches the prefix of a variable in the i18n/<lang>.toml files.
For example:
other = "What's next"
other = "다음 내용"
Content types
Each content type informally defines its expected page structure.
Create page content with the suggested page sections.
A concept page explains some aspect of Kubernetes. For example, a concept
page might describe the Kubernetes Deployment object and explain the role it
plays as an application once it is deployed, scaled, and updated. Typically, concept
pages don't include sequences of steps, but instead provide links to tasks or
To write a new concept page, create a Markdown file in a subdirectory of the
/content/en/docs/concepts directory, with the following characteristics:
Concept pages are divided into three sections:
Page section
The overview and body sections appear as comments in the concept page.
You can add the whatsnext section to your page with the heading shortcode.
Fill each section with content. Follow these guidelines:
Organize content with H2 and H3 headings.
For overview, set the topic's context with a single paragraph.
For body, explain the concept.
For whatsnext, provide a bulleted list of topics (5 maximum) to learn more about the concept.
Annotations is a published example of a concept page.
A task page shows how to do a single thing, typically by giving a short
sequence of steps. Task pages have minimal explanation, but often provide links
to conceptual topics that provide related background and knowledge.
To write a new task page, create a Markdown file in a subdirectory of the
/content/en/docs/tasks directory, with the following characteristics:
Page section
The overview, steps, and discussion sections appear as comments in the task page.
You can add the prerequisites and whatsnext sections to your page
with the heading shortcode.
Within each section, write your content. Use the following guidelines:
Use a minimum of H2 headings (with two leading # characters). The sections
themselves are titled automatically by the template.
For overview, use a paragraph to set context for the entire topic.
For prerequisites, use bullet lists when possible. Start adding additional
prerequisites below the include. The default prerequisites include a running Kubernetes cluster.
For steps, use numbered lists.
For discussion, use normal content to expand upon the information covered
in steps.
For whatsnext, give a bullet list of up to 5 topics the reader might be
interested in reading next.
A tutorial page shows how to accomplish a goal that is larger than a single
task. Typically a tutorial page has several sections, each of which has a
sequence of steps. For example, a tutorial might provide a walkthrough of a
code sample that illustrates a certain feature of Kubernetes. Tutorials can
include surface-level explanations, but should link to related concept topics
for deep explanations.
To write a new tutorial page, create a Markdown file in a subdirectory of the
/content/en/docs/tutorials directory, with the following characteristics:
Page section
The overview, objectives, and lessoncontent sections appear as comments in the tutorial page.
You can add the prerequisites, cleanup, and whatsnext sections to your page
with the heading shortcode.
Within each section, write your content. Use the following guidelines:
Use a minimum of H2 headings (with two leading # characters). The sections
themselves are titled automatically by the template.
For overview, use a paragraph to set context for the entire topic.
For prerequisites, use bullet lists when possible. Add additional
prerequisites below the ones included by default.
For objectives, use bullet lists.
For lessoncontent, use a mix of numbered lists and narrative content as
For cleanup, use numbered lists to describe the steps to clean up the
state of the cluster after finishing the task.
For whatsnext, give a bullet list of up to 5 topics the reader might be
interested in reading next.
A component tool reference page shows the description and flag options output for
a Kubernetes component tool. Each page generates from scripts using the component tool commands.
A tool reference page has several possible sections:
Note:Hugo Tip: Start Hugo with hugo server --navigateToChanged for content edit-sessions.
Page Lists
Page Order
The documentation side menu, the documentation page browser etc. are listed using Hugo's default sort order, which sorts by weight (from 1), date (newest first), and finally by the link title.
Given that, if you want to move a page or a section up, set a weight in the page's front matter:
title:My Pageweight:10
Note: For page weights, it can be smart not to use 1, 2, 3 ..., but some other interval, say 10, 20, 30... This allows you to insert pages where you want later.
Documentation Main Menu
The Documentation main menu is built from the sections below docs/ with the main_menu flag set in front matter of the section content file:
Note that the link title is fetched from the page's linkTitle, so if you want it to be something different than the title, change it in the content file:
main_menu:truetitle:Page TitlelinkTitle:Title used in links
Note: The above needs to be done per language. If you don't see your section in the menu, it is probably because it is not identified as a section by Hugo. Create a content file in the section folder.
Documentation Side Menu
The documentation side-bar menu is built from the current section tree starting below docs/.
It will show all sections and their pages.
If you don't want to list a section or page, set the toc_hide flag to true in front matter:
When you navigate to a section that has content, the specific section or page (e.g. is shown. Else, the first page inside that section is shown.
Documentation Browser
The page browser on the documentation home page is built using all the sections and pages that are directly below the docs section.
If you don't want to list a section or page, set the toc_hide flag to true in front matter:
The Main Menu
The site links in the top-right menu -- and also in the footer -- are built by page-lookups. This is to make sure that the page actually exists. So, if the case-studies section does not exist in a site (language), it will not be linked to.
Page Bundles
In addition to standalone content pages (Markdown files), Hugo supports Page Bundles.
One example is Custom Hugo Shortcodes. It is considered a leaf bundle. Everything below the directory, including the, will be part of the bundle. This also includes page-relative links, images that can be processed etc.:
Another widely used example is the includes bundle. It sets headless: true in front matter, which means that it does not get its own URL. It is only used in other pages.
For translated bundles, any missing non-content files will be inherited from languages above. This avoids duplication.
All the files in a bundle are what Hugo calls Resources and you can provide metadata per language, such as parameters and title, even if it does not supports front matter (YAML files etc.). See Page Resources Metadata.
The value you get from .RelPermalink of a Resource is page-relative. See Permalinks.
The SASS source of the stylesheets for this site is stored in assets/sass and is automatically built by Hugo.
In a Markdown page (.md file) on this site, you can add a shortcode to
display version and state of the documented feature.
Feature state demo
Below is a demo of the feature state snippet, which displays the feature as
stable in the latest Kubernetes version.
{{< feature-state state="stable" >}}
Renders to:
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.23 [stable]
The valid values for state are:
Feature state code
The displayed Kubernetes version defaults to that of the page or the site. You can change the
feature state version by passing the for_k8s_version shortcode parameter. For example:
There are two glossary shortcodes: glossary_tooltip and glossary_definition.
You can reference glossary terms with an inclusion that automatically updates
and replaces content with the relevant links from our glossary.
When the glossary term is moused-over, the glossary entry displays a tooltip.
The glossary term also displays as a link.
As well as inclusions with tooltips, you can reuse the definitions from the glossary in
page content.
The raw data for glossary terms is stored at
the glossary directory,
with a content file for each glossary term.
Glossary demo
For example, the following include within the Markdown renders to
cluster with a tooltip:
A set of worker machines, called nodes,
that run containerized applications. Every cluster has at least one worker node.
The worker node(s) host the Pods that are
the components of the application workload. The
control plane manages the worker
nodes and the Pods in the cluster. In production environments, the control plane usually
runs across multiple computers and a cluster usually runs multiple nodes, providing
fault-tolerance and high availability.
Links to API Reference
You can link to a page of the Kubernetes API reference using the
api-reference shortcode, for example to the
Pod reference:
The content of the page parameter is the suffix of the URL of the API reference page.
You can link to a specific place into a page by specifying an anchor
parameter, for example to the
reference or the
section of the page:
You can make tables more accessible to screen readers by adding a table caption. To add a
caption to a table,
enclose the table with a table shortcode and specify the caption with the caption parameter.
Note: Table captions are visible to screen readers but invisible when viewed in standard HTML.
Here's an example:
{{<tablecaption="Configuration parameters">}}
Parameter | Description | Default
`timeout` | The timeout for requests | `30s`
`logLevel` | The log level for log output | `INFO`
The rendered table looks like this:
Configuration parameters
The timeout for requests
The log level for log output
If you inspect the HTML for the table, you should see this element immediately
after the opening <table> element:
In a markdown page (.md file) on this site, you can add a tab set to display
multiple flavors of a given solution.
The tabs shortcode takes these parameters:
name: The name as shown on the tab.
codelang: If you provide inner content to the tab shortcode, you can tell Hugo
what code language to use for highlighting.
include: The file to include in the tab. If the tab lives in a Hugo
leaf bundle,
the file -- which can be any MIME type supported by Hugo -- is looked up in the bundle itself.
If not, the content page that needs to be included is looked up relative to the current page.
Note that with the include, you do not have any shortcode inner content and must use the
self-closing syntax. For example,
{{< tab name="Content File #1" include="example1" />}}. The language needs to be specified
under codelang or the language is taken based on the file name.
Non-content files are code-highlighted by default.
If your inner content is markdown, you must use the %-delimiter to surround the tab.
For example, {{% tab name="Tab 1" %}}This is **markdown**{{% /tab %}}
You can combine the variations mentioned above inside a tab set.
Below is a demo of the tabs shortcode.
Note: The tab name in a tabs definition must be unique within a content page.
Tabs demo: Code highlighting
{{<tabsname="tab_with_code">}}{{{<tabname="Tab 1"codelang="bash">}}
echo "This is tab 1."
{{</tab>}}{{<tabname="Tab 2"codelang="go">}}
println "This is tab 2."
This is **some markdown.**
It can even contain shortcodes.
<h3>Plain HTML</h3>
<p>This is some <i>plain</i> HTML.</p>
Running Kubernetes requires third-party software. For example: you
usually need to add a
DNS server
to your cluster so that name resolution works.
When we link to third-party software, or otherwise mention it,
we follow the content guide
and we also mark those third party items.
Using these shortcodes adds a disclaimer to any documentation page
that uses them.
For a list of several third-party items, add:
{{% thirdparty-content %}}
just below the heading for the section that includes all items.
If you have a list where most of the items refer to in-project
software (for example: Kubernetes itself, and the separate
component), then there is a different form to use.
Add the shortcode:
{{% thirdparty-content single="true" %}}
before the item, or just below the heading for the specific item.
Version strings
To generate a version string for inclusion in the documentation, you can choose from
several version shortcodes. Each version shortcode displays a version string derived from
the value of a version parameter found in the site configuration file, config.toml.
The two most commonly used version parameters are latest and version.
{{< param "version" >}}
The {{< param "version" >}} shortcode generates the value of the current
version of the Kubernetes documentation from the version site parameter. The
param shortcode accepts the name of one site parameter, in this case:
Note: In previously released documentation, latest and version parameter values
are not equivalent. After a new version is released, latest is incremented
and the value of version for the documentation set remains unchanged. For
example, a previously released version of the documentation displays version
as v1.19 and latest as v1.20.
Renders to:
{{< latest-version >}}
The {{< latest-version >}} shortcode returns the value of the latest site parameter.
The latest site parameter is updated when a new version of the documentation is released.
This parameter does not always match the value of version in a documentation set.
Renders to:
{{< latest-semver >}}
The {{< latest-semver >}} shortcode generates the value of latest
without the "v" prefix.
Renders to:
{{< version-check >}}
The {{< version-check >}} shortcode checks if the min-kubernetes-server-version
page parameter is present and then uses this value to compare to version.
Renders to:
To check the version, enter kubectl version.
{{< latest-release-notes >}}
The {{< latest-release-notes >}} shortcode generates a version string
from latest and removes the "v" prefix. The shortcode prints a new URL for
the release note CHANGELOG page with the modified version string.
7.1 - Contributing to the Upstream Kubernetes Code
This page shows how to contribute to the upstream kubernetes/kubernetes project.
You can fix bugs found in the Kubernetes API documentation or the content of
the Kubernetes components such as kubeadm, kube-apiserver, and kube-controller-manager.
If you instead want to regenerate the reference documentation for the Kubernetes
API or the kube-* components from the upstream code, see the following instructions:
The reference documentation for the Kubernetes API and the kube-* components
such as kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager are automatically generated
from the source code in the upstream Kubernetes.
When you see bugs in the generated documentation, you may want to consider
creating a patch to fix it in the upstream project.
Cloning the Kubernetes repository
If you don't already have the kubernetes/kubernetes repository, get it now:
mkdir $GOPATH/src
go get
Determine the base directory of your clone of the
kubernetes/kubernetes repository.
For example, if you followed the preceding step to get the repository, your
base directory is $GOPATH/src/
The remaining steps refer to your base directory as <k8s-base>.
Determine the base directory of your clone of the
kubernetes-sigs/reference-docs repository.
For example, if you followed the preceding step to get the repository, your
base directory is $GOPATH/src/
The remaining steps refer to your base directory as <rdocs-base>.
Editing the Kubernetes source code
The Kubernetes API reference documentation is automatically generated from
an OpenAPI spec, which is generated from the Kubernetes source code. If you
want to change the API reference documentation, the first step is to change one
or more comments in the Kubernetes source code.
The documentation for the kube-* components is also generated from the upstream
source code. You must change the code related to the component
you want to fix in order to fix the generated documentation.
Making changes to the upstream source code
Note: The following steps are an example, not a general procedure. Details
will be different in your situation.
Here's an example of editing a comment in the Kubernetes source code.
In your local kubernetes/kubernetes repository, check out the default branch,
and make sure it is up to date:
cd <k8s-base>
git checkout master
git pull master
Suppose this source file in that default branch has the typo "atmost":
In your local environment, open types.go, and change "atmost" to "at most".
Verify that you have changed the file:
git status
The output shows that you are on the master branch, and that the types.go
source file has been modified:
On branch master
modified: staging/src/
Committing your edited file
Run git add and git commit to commit the changes you have made so far. In the next step,
you will do a second commit. It is important to keep your changes separated into two commits.
View the contents of api/openapi-spec/swagger.json to make sure the typo is fixed.
For example, you could run git diff -a api/openapi-spec/swagger.json.
This is important, because swagger.json is the input to the second stage of
the doc generation process.
Run git add and git commit to commit your changes. Now you have two commits:
one that contains the edited types.go file, and one that contains the generated OpenAPI spec
and related files. Keep these two commits separate. That is, do not squash your commits.
Submit your changes as a
pull request to the
master branch of the
kubernetes/kubernetes repository.
Monitor your pull request, and respond to reviewer comments as needed. Continue
to monitor your pull request until it is merged.
PR 57758
is an example of a pull request that fixes a typo in the Kubernetes source code.
Note: It can be tricky to determine the correct source file to be changed. In the
preceding example, the authoritative source file is in the staging directory
in the kubernetes/kubernetes repository. But in your situation,the staging directory
might not be the place to find the authoritative source. For guidance, check the
README files in
repository and in related repositories, such as
Cherry picking your commit into a release branch
In the preceding section, you edited a file in the master branch and then ran scripts
to generate an OpenAPI spec and related files. Then you submitted your changes in a pull request
to the master branch of the kubernetes/kubernetes repository. Now suppose you want to backport
your change into a release branch. For example, suppose the master branch is being used to develop
Kubernetes version 1.23, and you want to backport your change into the
release-1.22 branch.
Recall that your pull request has two commits: one for editing types.go
and one for the files generated by scripts. The next step is to propose a cherry pick of your first
commit into the release-1.22 branch. The idea is to cherry pick the commit
that edited types.go, but not the commit that has the results of running the scripts. For instructions, see
Propose a Cherry Pick.
Note: Proposing a cherry pick requires that you have permission to set a label and a milestone in your
pull request. If you don't have those permissions, you will need to work with someone who can set the label
and milestone for you.
When you have a pull request in place for cherry picking your one commit into the
release-1.22 branch, the next step is to run these scripts in the
release-1.22 branch of your local environment.
Now add a commit to your cherry-pick pull request that has the recently generated OpenAPI spec
and related files. Monitor your pull request until it gets merged into the
release-1.22 branch.
At this point, both the master branch and the release-1.22 branch have your updated types.go
file and a set of generated files that reflect the change you made to types.go. Note that the
generated OpenAPI spec and other generated files in the release-1.22 branch are not necessarily
the same as the generated files in the master branch. The generated files in the release-1.22 branch
contain API elements only from Kubernetes 1.22. The generated files in the master branch might contain
API elements that are not in 1.22, but are under development for 1.23.
Generating the published reference docs
The preceding section showed how to edit a source file and then generate
several files, including api/openapi-spec/swagger.json in the
kubernetes/kubernetes repository.
The swagger.json file is the OpenAPI definition file to use for generating
the API reference documentation.
This page shows how to use the script to generate
the Kubernetes reference documentation. The script automates
the build setup and generates the reference documentation for a release.
Before you begin
You need a machine that is running Linux or macOS.
Docker (Required only for kubectl command reference)
Your PATH environment variable must include the required build tools, such as the Go binary and python.
You need to know how to create a pull request to a GitHub repository.
This involves creating your own fork of the repository. For more
information, see Work from a local clone.
Getting the docs repository
Make sure your website fork is up-to-date with the kubernetes/website remote on
GitHub (main branch), and clone your website fork.
git clone<your_github_username>/website.git
Determine the base directory of your clone. For example, if you followed the
preceding step to get the repository, your base directory is The remaining steps refer to your base directory as
Note: If you want to change the content of the component tools and API reference,
see the contributing upstream guide.
Overview of update-imported-docs
The script is located in the <web-base>/update-imported-docs/
The script builds the following references:
Component and tool reference pages
The kubectl command reference
The Kubernetes API reference
The script generates the Kubernetes reference documentation
from the Kubernetes source code. The script creates a temporary directory
under /tmp on your machine and clones the required repositories: kubernetes/kubernetes and
kubernetes-sigs/reference-docs into this directory.
The script sets your GOPATH to this temporary directory.
Three additional environment variables are set:
The script requires two arguments to run successfully:
A YAML configuration file (reference.yml)
A release version, for example:1.17
The configuration file contains a generate-command field.
The generate-command field defines a series of build instructions
from kubernetes-sigs/reference-docs/Makefile. The K8S_RELEASE variable
determines the version of the release.
The script performs the following steps:
Clones the related repositories specified in a configuration file. For the
purpose of generating reference docs, the repository that is cloned by
default is kubernetes-sigs/reference-docs.
Runs commands under the cloned repositories to prepare the docs generator and
then generates the HTML and Markdown files.
Copies the generated HTML and Markdown files to a local clone of the <web-base>
repository under locations specified in the configuration file.
Updates kubectl command links from to the refer to
the sections in the kubectl command reference.
When the generated files are in your local clone of the <web-base>
repository, you can submit them in a pull request
to <web-base>.
Configuration file format
Each configuration file may contain multiple repos that will be imported together. When
necessary, you can customize the configuration file by manually editing it. You
may create new config files for importing other groups of documents.
The following is an example of the YAML configuration file:
Open <web-base>/update-imported-docs/reference.yml for editing.
Do not change the content for the generate-command field unless you understand
how the command is used to build the references.
You should not need to update reference.yml. At times, changes in the
upstream source code, may require changes to the configuration file
(for example: golang version dependencies and third-party library changes).
If you encounter build issues, contact the SIG-Docs team on the
#sig-docs Kubernetes Slack channel.
Note: The generate-command is an optional entry, which can be used to run a
given command or a short script to generate the docs from within a repository.
In reference.yml, files contains a list of src and dst fields.
The src field contains the location of a generated Markdown file in the cloned
kubernetes-sigs/reference-docs build directory, and the dst field specifies
where to copy this file in the cloned kubernetes/website repository.
For example:
Note that when there are many files to be copied from the same source directory
to the same destination directory, you can use wildcards in the value given to
src. You must provide the directory name as the value for dst.
For example:
You can run the tool as follows:
cd <web-base>/update-imported-docs
./ <configuration-file.yml> <release-version>
For example:
./ reference.yml 1.17
Fixing Links
The release.yml configuration file contains instructions to fix relative links.
To fix relative links within your imported files, set thegen-absolute-links
property to true. You can find an example of this in
Adding and committing changes in kubernetes/website
List the files that were generated and copied to <web-base>:
cd <web-base>
git status
The output shows the new and modified files. The generated output varies
depending upon changes made to the upstream source code.
Create a pull request to the kubernetes/website repository. Monitor your
pull request, and respond to review comments as needed. Continue to monitor
your pull request until it is merged.
A few minutes after your pull request is merged, your updated reference
topics will be visible in the
published documentation.
What's next
To generate the individual reference documentation by manually setting up the required build repositories and
running the build targets, see the following guides:
Docker (Required only for kubectl command reference)
Your PATH environment variable must include the required build tools, such as the Go binary and python.
You need to know how to create a pull request to a GitHub repository.
This involves creating your own fork of the repository. For more
information, see Work from a local clone.
The base directory of your clone of the
kubernetes/kubernetes repository is
The remaining steps refer to your base directory as <k8s-base>.
The base directory of your clone of the
kubernetes/website repository is
$GOPATH/src/<your username>/website.
The remaining steps refer to your base directory as <web-base>.
The base directory of your clone of the
repository is $GOPATH/src/
The remaining steps refer to your base directory as <rdocs-base>.
Creating versioned directory and fetching Open API spec
The updateapispec build target creates the versioned build directory.
After the directory is created, the Open API spec is fetched from the
<k8s-base> repository. These steps ensure that the version
of the configuration files and Kubernetes Open API spec match the release version.
The versioned directory name follows the pattern of v<major>_<minor>.
In the <rdocs-base> directory, run the following build target:
cd <rdocs-base>
make updateapispec
Building the API reference docs
The copyapi target builds the API reference and
copies the generated files to directories in <web-base>.
Run the following command in <rdocs-base>:
When generating reference documentation for a new release, update the file,
<web-base>/content/en/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/ with the new
version number.
Open <web-base>/content/en/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/ for editing,
and update the API reference version number. For example:
title: v1.17
[Kubernetes API v1.17](/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.17/)
Open <web-base>/content/en/docs/reference/ for editing, and add a
new link for the latest API reference. Remove the oldest API reference version.
There should be five links to the most recent API references.
Locally test the API reference
Publish a local version of the API reference.
Verify the local preview.
cd <web-base>
git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1# if not already done
make container-serve
Commit the changes
In <web-base> run git add and git commit to commit the change.
Submit your changes as a
pull request to the
kubernetes/website repository.
Monitor your pull request, and respond to reviewer comments as needed. Continue
to monitor your pull request until it has been merged.
Docker (Required only for kubectl command reference)
Your PATH environment variable must include the required build tools, such as the Go binary and python.
You need to know how to create a pull request to a GitHub repository.
This involves creating your own fork of the repository. For more
information, see Work from a local clone.
The kubernetes/kubernetes repository provides the kubectl and kustomize source code.
Determine the base directory of your clone of the
kubernetes/kubernetes repository.
For example, if you followed the preceding step to get the repository, your
base directory is $GOPATH/src/
The remaining steps refer to your base directory as <k8s-base>.
Determine the base directory of your clone of the
kubernetes/website repository.
For example, if you followed the preceding step to get the repository, your
base directory is $GOPATH/src/<your-username>/website.
The remaining steps refer to your base directory as <web-base>.
Determine the base directory of your clone of the
kubernetes-sigs/reference-docs repository.
For example, if you followed the preceding step to get the repository, your
base directory is $GOPATH/src/
The remaining steps refer to your base directory as <rdocs-base>.
In your local repository, check out the branch of interest,
and make sure it is up to date. For example, if you want to generate docs for
Kubernetes 1.22.0, you could use these commands:
cd <k8s-base>
git checkout v1.22.0
git pull 1.22.0
If you do not need to edit the kubectl source code, follow the instructions for
Setting build variables.
Editing the kubectl source code
The kubectl command reference documentation is automatically generated from
the kubectl source code. If you want to change the reference documentation, the first step
is to change one or more comments in the kubectl source code. Make the change in your
local kubernetes/kubernetes repository, and then submit a pull request to the master branch of
PR 56673
is an example of a pull request that fixes a typo in the kubectl source code.
Monitor your pull request, and respond to reviewer comments. Continue to monitor your
pull request until it is merged into the target branch of the kubernetes/kubernetes repository.
Cherry picking your change into a release branch
Your change is now in the master branch, which is used for development of the next
Kubernetes release. If you want your change to appear in the docs for a Kubernetes
version that has already been released, you need to propose that your change be
cherry picked into the release branch.
For example, suppose the master branch is being used to develop Kubernetes
and you want to backport your change to the release-1.22 branch. For
instructions on how to do this, see
Propose a Cherry Pick.
Monitor your cherry-pick pull request until it is merged into the release branch.
Note: Proposing a cherry pick requires that you have permission to set a label and a
milestone in your pull request. If you don't have those permissions, you will
need to work with someone who can set the label and milestone for you.
Setting build variables
Go to <rdocs-base>. On you command line, set the following environment variables.
Set K8S_ROOT to <k8s-base>.
Set K8S_WEBROOT to <web-base>.
Set K8S_RELEASE to the version of the docs you want to build.
For example, if you want to build docs for Kubernetes 1.22, set K8S_RELEASE to 1.22.
The createversiondirs build target creates a versioned directory
and copies the kubectl reference configuration files to the versioned directory.
The versioned directory name follows the pattern of v<major>_<minor>.
In the <rdocs-base> directory, run the following build target:
cd <rdocs-base>
make createversiondirs
Checking out a release tag in
In your local <k8s-base> repository, checkout the branch that has
the version of Kubernetes that you want to document. For example, if you want
to generate docs for Kubernetes 1.22.0, check out the
v1.22 tag. Make sure
you local branch is up to date.
cd <k8s-base>
git checkout v1.22.0
git pull v1.22.0
Running the doc generation code
In your local <rdocs-base>, run the copycli build target. The command runs as root:
cd <rdocs-base>
make copycli
The copycli command cleans the temporary build directory, generates the kubectl command files,
and copies the collated kubectl command reference HTML page and assets to <web-base>.
Adding and committing changes in kubernetes/website
Run git add and git commit to commit the files.
Creating a pull request
Create a pull request to the kubernetes/website repository. Monitor your
pull request, and respond to review comments as needed. Continue to monitor
your pull request until it is merged.
A few minutes after your pull request is merged, your updated reference
topics will be visible in the
published documentation.
Docker (Required only for kubectl command reference)
Your PATH environment variable must include the required build tools, such as the Go binary and python.
You need to know how to create a pull request to a GitHub repository.
This involves creating your own fork of the repository. For more
information, see Work from a local clone.
8 - Advanced contributing
This page assumes that you understand how to
contribute to new content and
review others' work, and are ready
to learn about more ways to contribute. You need to use the Git command line
client and other tools for some of these tasks.
After you've been contributing to the Kubernetes documentation for a while, you
may have ideas for improving the Style Guide
, the Content Guide, the toolchain used to build
the documentation, the website style, the processes for reviewing and merging
pull requests, or other aspects of the documentation. For maximum transparency,
these types of proposals need to be discussed in a SIG Docs meeting or on the
kubernetes-sig-docs mailing list.
In addition, it can help to have some context about the way things
currently work and why past decisions have been made before proposing sweeping
changes. The quickest way to get answers to questions about how the documentation
currently works is to ask in the #sig-docs Slack channel on
After the discussion has taken place and the SIG is in agreement about the desired
outcome, you can work on the proposed changes in the way that is the most
appropriate. For instance, an update to the style guide or the website's
functionality might involve opening a pull request, while a change related to
documentation testing might involve working with sig-testing.
Coordinate docs for a Kubernetes release
SIG Docs approvers
can coordinate docs for a Kubernetes release.
Each Kubernetes release is coordinated by a team of people participating in the
sig-release Special Interest Group (SIG). Others on the release team for a given
release include an overall release lead, as well as representatives from
sig-testing and others. To find out more about Kubernetes release processes,
refer to
The SIG Docs representative for a given release coordinates the following tasks:
Monitor the feature-tracking spreadsheet for new or changed features with an
impact on documentation. If the documentation for a given feature won't be ready
for the release, the feature may not be allowed to go into the release.
Attend sig-release meetings regularly and give updates on the status of the
docs for the release.
Review and copyedit feature documentation drafted by the SIG responsible for
implementing the feature.
Merge release-related pull requests and maintain the Git feature branch for
the release.
Mentor other SIG Docs contributors who want to learn how to do this role in
the future. This is known as "shadowing".
Publish the documentation changes related to the release when the release
artifacts are published.
Coordinating a release is typically a 3-4 month commitment, and the duty is
rotated among SIG Docs approvers.
Serve as a New Contributor Ambassador
SIG Docs approvers
can serve as New Contributor Ambassadors.
New Contributor Ambassadors welcome new contributors to SIG-Docs,
suggest PRs to new contributors, and mentor new contributors through their first
few PR submissions.
Responsibilities for New Contributor Ambassadors include:
After a new contributor has successfully submitted 5 substantive pull requests
to one or more Kubernetes repositories, they are eligible to apply for
in the Kubernetes organization. The contributor's membership needs to be
backed by two sponsors who are already reviewers.
New docs contributors can request sponsors by asking in the #sig-docs channel
on the Kubernetes Slack instance or on the
SIG Docs mailing list.
If you feel confident about the applicant's work, you volunteer to sponsor them.
When they submit their membership application, reply to the application with a
"+1" and include details about why you think the applicant is a good fit for
membership in the Kubernetes organization.
Serve as a SIG Co-chair
SIG Docs members
can serve a term as a co-chair of SIG Docs.
A Kubernetes member must meet the following requirements to be a co-chair:
Understand SIG Docs workflows and tooling: git, Hugo, localization, blog subproject
Approved by the SIG Docs community either directly or via lazy consensus.
Commit at least 5 hours per week (and often more) to the role for a minimum of 6 months
The role of co-chair is one of service: co-chairs build contributor capacity, handle process and policy, schedule and run meetings, schedule PR wranglers, advocate for docs in the Kubernetes community, make sure that docs succeed in Kubernetes release cycles, and keep SIG Docs focused on effective priorities.
Responsibilities include:
Keep SIG Docs focused on maximizing developer happiness through excellent documentation
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